Metal Monday Episode #40 with Nick and Brett, September 30th, 2024

Brett and Nick are back for another Metal Monday and if it holds till midnight, Nick may have already won the October copper bet. Tune in to find out more! Produced by Recycled Media.


all right it only took 24 hours and I won the well I haven’t won the best you technically said it was in October right I got I went it’s down like 5 cents today you know I just need to make it to midnight right yeah I think so te I think I’ll make it I think I’ll make it till midnight well we were I don’t think anybody maybe people were I just I’m not smart enough to anticipate that oh no I flipping a coin for me China is going to come out and light the world on fire and tell them that they’re about to pump I had an inside guy in China I didn’t tell you gillion dollars in their economy and lower rates and which hey I’m all for it that’s like we said there’s certain bets that a guys doesn’t doesn’t mind losing and if I got to lose a 100 to make some more I’m good you know like I think you’re still winning If copper goes I feel like I’m doing okay I mean what we get 4 64 where it went it’s off like 10 cents from the

the peak uh which that’s what it does you know but it it feels like we’re in a new well we’ve been saying like if China actually comes out and stimulates their economy or can get their economy going I mean obviously they are huge consumers of copper huge consumers of aluminum huge consumers of Steel when their econom is going I mean right now I think like at least on the steel side they’re definitely producing a lot of Steel a lot of Billet and then just dumping it on the rest of the world which is kind of hurting some of the domestic steel mhm companies but I mean they’re definitely consumer and whether they’re just consumers because they need it or consumers so they can process it and dump it on other people you know I guess that’s a whole another topic but I mean you saw when I mean when I think the FED are the usfed when they lowered the rates by half percent that kind of gave everybody permission in the roundabout way to loosen their own monetary policy and go for it so yeah at least that’s where it all kind of

started on some of this when when that hit you know then copper went to 430 something and then a couple days later China comes out and says you know they’re going to pump XYZ amount money into their economy lower their rates try and get their housing market going again then all a sudden it’s just been uh you know it was the end of the end of the week last week was just a was a rip all we yeah yeah I mean all week I mean Tuesday on was pretty wild and uh I mean it wasn’t that long ago we were Co COA was training we were happy when I got back to four you know I know it wasn’t that long ago so it’s just funny how quick things move and you know I just like betting you that’s all it was I I like losing bets like that at the end of the day I that’s The Optimist in you came through and uh helped you out that one w i i hit four of my five well I’ve hit three out of four picks on my college things I’m on a hot

streak right now oh yeah but I’ll cool off soon don’t worry I know that I know how it works so you were filming Bulls versus bear today today we’ll get some insight into the feris market what a wild time right now in the Commodities business in general you know back to you know Chinese and back to the FED trying to stimulate our economy here lower rates usually means you know real estate it usually means like construction it usually means infrastructure but it’s an election year so it’s like plus all the you know the macroeconomic the wars and everything that’s like kind of going on right now it’s the weather yeah oh those you know hurricane all that so that for those people and they said that the the body count like they’ve lost up to 100 people now from that uh last which is terrible um yeah there’s so much going on so much to pull Push Pull move markets that as far as on the trading side and and moving material you got to be kind of on your game um and just keep keep stuff moving which I think is our goal

right now I mean just like everybody else is how do we how do we uh not just get more scrap in but get it out faster get it through the system faster so that you’re not as susceptible to these big swings you know at least as susceptible get it out quick process it quicker give more you know and then also gives you ability to buy more if you’re more effent if yeah if you’ve got ex excess Capac sitting there because you’ve been really efficient all of a sudden you can be you know be a little more on the aggressive side because you can buy you can buy more because You’ got the ability to get out the door and you’re not you know you don’t have that that inventory Gary it’s like anything you just got to be aware that everything you do out there personally and work-wise you can do better and don’t dig your Hills in and like be open to like oh how could we be better yeah and I think those are the individuals and the companies that move forward and succeed better than the ones that dig their

heels in and say no I just I’ve always you know done it like this so and I think we’re we’re good about that so so speaking of being better I want you to talk about this tell me about what your dad did this weekend you posted a little bit I’m like super excited so tell everybody there a little inside into Nick’s what you did this weekend okay so Sunday my dad hit me up hey we sponsored him we gave him a some money it’s a great C uh cancer research he dedicated to do 100 miles and he hit that very early and I called him I’m like Dad do 200 and I’ll sponsor you we we made him a flag got videos of it I’ll post it here soon and I was lucky enough to go with him and my good friend Tim uh we were there when he hit the 200 I’m sure he’s going to go today too he said he might take a rest day so he hasn’t rested all week or all month so he hit it really proud of him uh he’s getting in really good shape so shout

out to my dad that’s what I was saying that when I brought that up you’re talking about somebody that’s being better right like we’re always trying to find a you know a way to to to better ourselves and like your dad found a thing that kind of gave him like something some some motivation to like go ride his bike and get in better shape soing great you got to spend some time with him doing it which to me is awesome it was fun ride I woke up early Sunday I was out late at the Boise State game we didn’t get home from that game till 1 yeah which is crazy those 8 P.M games are miserable it was one but we had fun I woke up early cuz my bike had two flat tires so I’m like oh I better get my flats fixed got my flats fixed fill up my water bottle dust my helmet off I don’t go riding a whole lot and but it kind kind of it was a blast I told my dad like I’d like to do this like a few times a week yeah um so

we’re going to try to do like a ride every weekend so it’s kind of a new thing and you know also shout out to my friend Tim a year ago we didn’t think Tim would ever walk again yeah um well me and Tim thought he’d walk again the doctors told him he wouldn’t walk again and he went with us no e assist nothing like that he rode a bike yeah almost seven miles up a pretty gnarly Hill and he’s killing it he’s and like we said he’s and he’s just getting the motto he’s after is 1% better every day you know so he’s trying to get a little bit better every single day and he’s crushing it and him and my dad have dramatically different political views so they have a lot of fun banter on Facebook if you guys see him arguing so but they’re really close too they they’ve been on more bike rides than I have my dad so it drinks me kind of guilty so just shout out to both of them I’m proud of both of them and uh if you check it out you got one more day

to help my dad donate if if you want to give him a little bit more money nice shout out to the people on the 75 hard they’re trying to get better every day as well and uh that’s the theme of the of this week man go out there and be better today be better thank you everybody all right take care