Metal Monday Episode #29 with Nick and Brett, July 17th, 2024

It's a bloody Metal Monday on a Thursday and as Idaho is facing extremely hot temps, the guys reflect on the extremely cold temps we see in the winter. Find out about Metal Monday livestreams. Produced by Recycled Media.


all right another Metal Monday on a Thursday and something about Thursdays are just bloody as hell last two weeks I don’t know I’ve been watching this whole week and it’s been rough right I mean yeah that’s true from start to finish it’s been a it’s been a long week so on the at least on the commod side long isn’t like not good like isn’t every time I look up it’s bleeding copper especially I saw copper down like a dime this morning yes um so we did did talk about this a while back I said I think it hits four before it hits five I hope I hope I’m not right but it feels like that’s the trend right now as it’s headed back towards four bucks it’s definitely closer to four and five today um you know we saw some dips last week but we saw a kind of rebound end of the week um you know it’s Thursday today obviously it doesn’t feel like they’re going to see a rebound this week but tomorrow’s a new day you know we you know we play Day by by day really that’s all we

really can do and all we can do one day at a time I mean everything’s soft though I mean aluminum’s soft too Nicholls nicholl’s taking its its turn in the barrel as well so I every everybody’s getting RIS getting their beating there’s no nobody’s being left out of this deal no no you know what’s Drive what do you think is driving it do you have any you know my my thing is it’s a summertime you know this is time usually time when Commodities are you know they soften up even on the ferah side it softens up um but I I genuinely think I mean China’s still struggling they’re big consumer of everything metal um so their their economy is struggling I mean I think the US economy you can feel it slowing down things are slowing down um I think just in general I mean it’s we’ve been at such a clip for so long that you know that finally the Commodities are you know I think taking a breather but you got an election year to to add on to that and I think it’s just you know it’s just a combination of

a lot of things yeah we’ll see we’ll see where the rest of this year takes us it’s definitely hot over here in Idaho it’s hot in a lot of areas Vegas and it was 113 driving in here yesterday or something like that I was like oh my goodness Cook Tires I think we’re going to be at 105 today 104 today something like that today and tomorrow um that’s just you know it’s been that way for a week plus now and the you know the forecast for 10 days out is still 100 plus so that just makes it tough on the yard not even talking about Commodities keeping your equipment going keeping your guys hydrated it just makes it tough all around so that on top of just shitty markets you know makes it hotter yeah it’s not as fun to get out of bed and go to work when it’s uh when it’s 10 and something degrees top that off with with the every time you look up the markets are uh on the downhill side but you know that’s just I think that’s just the way that the thing goes um you know

you can’t get high too high you can’t get too low I think you gotta kind of just ride the middle and just kind of keep keep putting one foot in front of the other I mean I do think we’ve always said like 430 copper is still good copper price you know I mean it’s not it’s not five bucks but I mean at 4:30 is still a good that the math still makes sense you know it’s still still good um yeah we would have prayed we were praying for 430 few years ago we not we thought we’d see 430 a few years back and granted you know the there’s been a lot of inflation the dollars climed a little bit so I mean I I can understand that um you know 4:30 today isn’t what wasn’t 435 years ago or six years ago but it’s still 430 and and still $4 cop and you can still if you’re buying it right I mean you can still make some money um I think the ferites probably the most challenging part I mean I feel sorry for these shredders right I mean we saw a

Portland um Schnitzer radius had a fire yesterday um our buddy Kenny danielli a month or so ago had a fire I mean these shredders I mean this heat just I mean between all the batteries in the in the in the shreddable stuff and the heat Comin with I mean everything they got going on you can see why those guys want to shred to the ground every chance they get right just to kind of try and eliminate some of that that pile um fire potential yeah you know we live in a in an era where everything’s got a screen everything’s got a battery in it you know a lot of these manufacturers didn’t think about us when they made them like what’s going to happen to this you know this washing machine that’s got a LED screen with a backup uh a backup lithium ion on it to give it the juice you know you’re seeing a lot of Havoc from it um so yeah like you said those shredders and you just got to have some really good operators on the ground that try to catch all that stuff and that makes it even

harder to do what we’re doing you know but you just adapt you adjust you know it’s just like anything so it’s I mean I mean we always the beautiful thing about ID is we get Four Seasons right and we’ll probably get a month or two of a year maybe two months a year that are pretty miserable right but the other you know nine to 10 are pretty nice so you’ve got you when it’s in a real hard winter you know probably a month of just miserableness and then in the summer you get a month of just heat and so like that’s where our challenges um in our area is managing that extreme cold for about a month or so you know maybe 30 days worth you know spread between a couple months and then managing that extreme heat you know probably a month or so spread between you know you know between couple months and 30 days of just heat and so we’re in that heat mode right now where it’s just like a hair dryer blowing on you 247 yeah pretty soon we’ll be you know into August we’ll see some cooler temperatures

towards the end of it and then you know you know and hopefully we see a a 450 copper in August we’ll see a repri from the Heat and a and a stronger price I’m not going to bet on 450 copper um I’m just gonna I’m gonna just keep the stuff moving that we got if I can you know well thank you for joining us Brett thank you everyone oh I got a comment a first comment from Craig Hunter what’s up Craig Craig making his way to work Craig he’s he’s the dude when it comes to uh tires for us so glad to glad for him to uh log in and say hi to us this morning and get your butt back to work he’s our he’s our tired guy he’s killing it over there and you know I’m excited to show everyone a new trailer a new end dump with some new logos we’re rolling out to kind of show everyone what we what we’re doing in Idaho not just Metals you know yeah and that’s oh look we got our we got some more love from Jake Hansen who’s Jake Hanson let everyone

know out there Brett Jak Hanson’s our business partner um over in Oregon and bnk is um they’re starting their marketing on the Recycled Oregon side so alluding to Nick’s um comment what we just had um we got something pretty cool coming with our new endom that we’re going to unveil that kind of goes with like our whole theme our whole marketing thing right and I think it’s catching on other places at the end of the day recy fairly localized you know who who’s handling stuff in your area and in your state and Jake and Bo our team over at bnk they’re going to take recycled Oregon by the horns and they they run a tight ship they run a good ship over there and they’re pretty proud of um what they do so it’s going to be kind of exciting to see what they do as recycled Oregon yeah I’m excited to see that Jake and Bo are killing it and I think we’re going to take B and Jake up we’re going to get them out so everyone can see them we’re going to get the scrap confidential out in the open and

they’ll push a little harder for them yeah Bo’s been B Bo Boston’s been working on his uh um his podcast for for a while now and it’s really good it’s kind of a behind the scenes type deal for him like his travel is out there on the road dealing with customers deal with equipment both kind of a a a guy that grew up in the scrap G like from a toddler with his grandfather and so it’s pretty he’s it’s a good story and just he’s out there hustling every day so I think it will resonate with a lot of people that are in our industry that just grew up in it and they just they just hustle at it every day so his podcast coming out is U which has been out for a while but we’re going to help him kind of push it out a little farther it’s it’s it’s it’s a good one it’s kind of a you know for the everyday I always call it for like the everyday um person in our industry like what what they’re doing and behind the scenes and just hearing him talk about it

and discuss it it’s it’s good and he’s super familiar with the a world um he he’s got a different little perspective than some other people out there doing you know what we’re doing so it’s gonna be awesome to to help them push it out a little bit more so I’m excited to get to work with him a little more and you know speaking of that too and Craig um who who chimed in he’s got a podcast talking tires that uh that recycle media helps promote and dude that’s a really good one if you’re into the tire recycling business or just trying to understand like the players and who’s who’s out there I mean that podcast is is a really good one he puts he gets some real Heavy Hitters in our industry on there I mean some real big players and so you know that one’s worth checking out if you’re just trying to understand different aspects of the tire reclaim um podcast you should go check it out as well absolutely yeah check it out he’s had some awesome guests and he’s still growing that thing he’s got some some more guests here

coming soon so check it out if you want to learn a little bit more about tire recycling because it is very interesting what are you up to today Nick what’s your plan I’m going to hayburn today man I’m gon after I’m off this I’m well I’m going to send out I wasn’t hoping to do this but I get to send out new price sheets after I’m off this call everybody know the the the good news yeah new price sheets are coming to the yards because the Copper’s dipping like crazy and then I’m gonna go see Amy who helps run our uh Hey burn Twin Falls area um help her with a few things I got some some iPads and stuff that her drivers are going to be utilizing so so that’s what I’m doing how about you br you know I’m just over here um in Vegas with my family um we are my my youngest son has a basketball tournament this weekend down here so we’re down here just kind of doing our summer family vacation um and start playing some basketball the next few days and then we’re going to kind of

work our way back work our way back home um go to another National Park we hit a couple national parks on our way here uh Bryce Canyon and then Grand Canyon and uh we’re going to go work our way back through redwoods Northern California national park and go see Alcatraz go show my kids where you can be if you up in life you can be in prison so work work our way home so how how is Grand Canyon though I’ve never been there it’s awesome dude it’s you know I so was telling this some like I’ve been to Vegas probably literally 100 times right in my life um maybe that’s an understatement maybe more but uh I’ve never been to Grand Canyon I was like it’s always been so close with oh you could take a helicopter you can do this you can do that but just to be actually be able to like you know go to the National Park we stayed in the park um I woke up in the morning and I’m like a morning early riser like my family is in the hotel room sleeping right now um but I’d

wake up hell early get on my you know my work my show my short my shorts my workout shirt and just I would walk the rim there’s a rim trail and you could walk it I’d get a cup of coffee and just walk it’s like a few mile walk but you can just in the morning it’s nothing like seeing like the sunrise and just getting up and seeing the Grand Canyon and just it’s like it’s pretty tough to beat man there’s there’s it’s a reason why there’s what they say like a nine wonders of the world and it’s that that it’s one of them it’s just because it’s kind of jaw-dropping how big it is so it’s definitely something you recommend for others to do oh yeah yeah I I’m I’m wondering why I waited so long you know um Bryce Canyon is super cool I I mean i’ had heard about it but it’s just I mean it’s crazy we hiked around there for a couple day for a day um did a couple different hikes and I mean it’s it’s hot don’t get me wrong it’s time of Years it’ll melt

your ass but it’s a a good it’s a good time it’s something somebody you have to see it in your lifetime put it on the list okay cool have you ever have you guys ever seen the Redwoods I have yeah I went to school down there for like a year so I’m I’m familiar with it but I want my kids to see you know kids like you show them there like once you show them like a couple big trees like all right another big tree but I’m like you still have to see it and then you can like all oh it’s impressive I mean my parents took me down there uh I’ve been down there a bunch ever since I was a kid and and I like it’s it’s something you have to see with your own eyes even the Redwoods because it’s just the pictures don’t do it justice because they are just a different level big you know yeah it is when you can drive through a tree like you can drive through the trunk of a tree you know that’s a big ass tree you know exactly well may maybe that’s

why the markets are screwed up because everybody’s out traveling doing and not’s trading metal or whatever I don’t know we’ll see but yeah everyone get back to work I mean Craig’s going on work yeah Jake’s at work Craig’s work somebody you’re going to work I guess I’m one out here screw around yeah you get get back home and trade some metal these people all right man well have safe travels and uh we’ll talk to you soon by