Metal Monday Episode #43 with Nick and Brett, October 21st, 2024

It's another Metal Monday and the markets are looking red so far, the election is coming up and the guys talk about the importance of good business relationships. Tune in to hear what's going on this week. Produced by Recycled Media.


all right Brett how you doing I’m good man it’s uh it’s Monday and the markets are red they’re red they were green this morning we started do the podcast I haven’t checked I was ready I was ready to tell you we had a green one but I just reopened it we’re red what the hell’s going on out there you know I don’t know I think it’s it’s when the Market’s lightly traded maybe there’s some positivity and then as the day opens up and things get rolling and people are you know maybe a little more pessimistic so we’ll see what uh today brings well we got some red I mean copper is still you know in that 430 range I thought we were going to it looked like we were I think it was in the 440s this morning you know but we’ve dipped back down the 435 range and um you know that is kind of crazy you can wake up like and check it early in the morning and it’s 4:42 or wherever it hit and then now it it’s a s Cent swing yeah in a matter of a few

hours you know which that’s a if you’re it’s the commod business if you uh if you don’t like that if you’re not used to that then I don’t know where you’ve been sleeping under a rock for a while because it feels like that as the days go by and probably as the election gets closer the volatility gets stronger so we could see some serious roller coaster action going you know there’s just a lot going on man I mean like we say every week the macroeconomic picture plus just the you know the election that’s going on here um it’s uh it’s wild times but you know pgms are off this morning they had they were kind of had a pretty decent run last week um which is nice to see Platinum staying over a th good to see padium staying over a thousand um you know rodium around that 4650 Mark roughly and you know I don’t know I still feel optimistic that that these things are going to hang around these these commodities prices um Ferris will be interesting in November it’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out um you

think money uh potentially I don’t see him taking a lot of gas out of it I mean this month this next month so unless somebody knows something I don’t which probably a lot of people do um you know I I feel like you know it’s it’s positive well yeah we’re two weeks away from the election so you know it’s almost here you know which is two weeks in a day from the election so it could get kind of wild before then or after then and or you know or I think after election we might see get copper make a run who knows all that shit’s out of our control goes back to controlling what you can control control your Buy price you know take advantage of decent sales prices um do business with people that are going to pay their bills is a big one um try and you know manage your manage your people manage your time like be smart about how you how you do business be smart about who you do business with and you know I think that’s how you stay in business so I think that’s that’s where we’re

at I mean we’ve got a couple big big things coming down the line that we’re working on and we’re always working on something around here so that’s always keeps us motivated to keep keep pushing and it’s like uh Cheyenne said in the office this morning she said I feel like I’ve been I’m G to get caught up today and we’re like no no you won’t I’ve been trying to get caught up for 10 years yeah I was just thinking that 10 years every time I think I’m about to get caught up then there’s a new project or you know I’ll start something new you know your dayto day or you know in our world and a lot of businesses you know things just happen that you don’t see coming so you have to adjust quickly you know well if every day we talk about it if every day um you’re trying to put yourself out of business right metaphorically like you’re trying to think about how to put yourself out of business then you should always be working on something like what’s the next thing and the next thing could just be you know

keeping the lights on or or the next thing could be the next piece of your business that has growth opportunity or the next thing could be the next person that you could bring in that can move the needle for your business but like if you’re if you’re always trying to figure out what’s the next technology or something that could really you know either Advance you or put you out then you’re always working on something well look at it like this like this version of United medals would kick the out of 10 years ago United medals you know cuz we’ve grown and we’ve added pieces and added people and just got better at our craft so like this version would put that version out of out of business so you want to keep growing like tomorrow’s version should be better than today’s version some days you get little dips and that’s part of growth you know in that dip you have to learn and then grow and then you’re bounce up then you’re you’re that much better you know but you got to be ready for the the problems CU they’re going to happen you

know I wish they didn’t you know those days aren’t fun but those days ultimately when you really look back those days helped you grow the most you know then you appreciate the the good times even better absolutely good way to end it okay thank youbody have a great week