Hustle Harder: Isaak Martinez

okay we got an episode of hustle harder with our president Tom Neal Tom who is the big winner of hustle harder this this go around well we uh we chose Isaac Martinez he works in our Boise yard Isaac started with us December 23rd 2021. so he’s been here for about...

Hustle Harder: Mason Frost

all right we’re here for another hustle harder award it’s our first one of 2021. it is over here in our haybarn yard how you doing amy good nick how you doing doing good amy nominated this winner and we all kind of chatted about him and thought he was just...

Hustle Harder: Joe Torres

all right welcome everybody i’m sitting here with barry prescott how you doing barry very good very good good to be here we are here to announce the newest hustle harder award but first of all i want barry to introduce himself and kind of explain what he does so...

Hustle Harder June: Gabriel Guerrero

welcome everybody we’re here with another episode of hustle harder with united metals i’m sitting here with brett buxton how you doing brett good good doing good nick sitting here with tom neal how’s it going fantastic nick so for our june hustle...

Hustle Harder: Dale Beverlin

alright thanks for joining us guys this is a hustle harder episode for United metals worse in here with Tom nail and Brett and Tom do you want to go into again the hustle harder award yeah we were talking about this and you know for us we want to recognize someone...