Hustle Harder: Christopher Bronson

We are proud to announce Christopher Bronson as the May 2020 Hustle Harder Award !!! Bronson has shown in the time he has been here that he has what it takes to succeed and will hustle harder to help get the job done.


hi this is nick from united metals I’m sitting here with Tom and Brett we’re over here at the Boise facility all right everybody we are doing a new segment here I recycled Idaho were really highlighting employee that has shown some really hard work we’re calling it the hustle harder award I want to introduce everyone to Tom nail I also want to introduce everybody to Brett wells so first of all Tom what are we doing with this hustle harder award I just think it’s a board that we’re doing just I liked performances by individuals just not you know performances on a day to day basis but on a day to day all the way through a progression of over months of time in our profession we everyone has good bad days we have bad days and whatnot but the ability to grind the ability to work together as a team and the ones that are raising the bar very good and we have also part of the award is they’ll be receiving an extra vacation day to use and or they can get a gift card from us we want to show them that we

appreciate them and then give them some type of reward for that now the person that we’ve chosen for the first one works out here at the Boise yard and if you want to introduce him yeah his name is Chris Bronson he’s worked with us since June 25th 2018 and this guy is a hustler from the time I see him in the mornings at the gym till the day he leaves at five o’clock he keeps his head down and he’s there to help his fellow employees and do whatever it takes to get the job done no complaints I got a good story about Chris okay we start working okay so because first started working here I think he’d worked with us for I don’t know maybe a month so one day I’m in my office guys come in and they say did you hear what happened to Chris yeah work where’s no wrecked his motorcycle right outside the yard here and yeah he did he he wrecked he had a motorcycle accident I was pretty worried about him obviously we got in touch with them thankfully he was okay but he was all busted up

he dislocated his elbow so in the nature of what we do and you’re kind of need full function of your elbow you know oh yeah so I met with Chris after yeah got out of the hospital he was okay and we’re just going through the next process of you know what we need to do and of course he was in that brace and everything and base I told Chris I said you know I don’t want to hurt your elbow any more than whatever yes and you know get through your recovery and whatnots but part of it you know kind of need a physician’s release so we know where your restrictions are and what you can do he said okay yeah I’ll be right on it so he immediately gets hold of this physician gets an appointment the next day and then he came in right after his appointment and he comes in he goes oh it’s great everything’s good can work oh yeah he goes doctor said I could do this and that I said jeez Chris that’s good I mean but you still got that break so I’m like what happened because I

went in there I just started left in chairs over my head then you know this guy’s just got into a motorcycle accident but you know this is how important work is for him and I mean it’s a testament to Chris and after that I knew we probably had something pretty special yeah he wants to work I think a lot of people that would get in an accident like that would try to try to good you know and rightfully so you know I mean so I mean there’s definitely those times where yeah you have to give your body rest okay yeah and you definitely need to follow your physicians requirements and what they advise you to do but at the same time you know the guys willingness to get off back off the sidelines and to be a valuable member of the team and you know it means a lot you know and you see that and see the dedication and you knew from that day on that this guy was here to work and make a difference I always noticed that he’s always asking questions he’s always looking to learn more and do more

and and you see him more than all of the me or Tom you’re out there every day with him but can you kind of run through like where he started and where he is now yeah so Chris started over on our Harris baler here inside of our warehouse and learning how to run that and all of our different non ferrous products that we put through that machine and like Tom said you know we really knew that we had a hustler on this this end of it so we kept pushing him forward to learn more and like Nick said just I always asking questions and want to know more so we moved him up behind another gentleman here Keith who’s very valuable as well and they basically are doing quality of control for all of our finished products going out to our customers so that’s a really key position in knowing what our customers are looking for and making sharp materials clean and as well as putting in extra time and effort to learn anything else you can in the yard clear to our outside mobile baler and it is progressed him into possible another

position and helping us with outside jobs coming forward so yeah I think Brad just kind of hit the nail right on the head by saying effort right you know Brett’s a good teacher keith is a good teacher we have a lot of people in the company that can teach people how to run equipment and the right things to do but the one thing you cannot teach this effort mhm if you have the mindset to come in and to learn as much as you can take direction and have attention to detail and you have that effort yeah I’ll take you a long long ways yeah he’s got I mean it’s got the effort he’s got the just that positive attitude you just got that drive drive I call him the Beast I mean sometimes I gotta slow them down because it gets a little crazy with it sometimes you know but yeah you know he’s just he’s just out there to give it 110% effort every day he really is and he’ll never hesitate to like if someone needs help I’ve seen him even though if it’s like technically not like what he’s supposed to

be doing but he sees that someone needs help he’ll go do it and that’s what we strive for and all our employees yeah he’ll even he’ll be up over in his area and even if he sees a customer he’ll go run into that customer and help out clear to the car today yep so I mean he’s very valuable and what this guy brought to the table for us here at the company well that sounds good to me I mean so this month’s hustle harder water goes to Christopher Bronson thank you everybody