Hustle Harder: Dale Beverlin

This month's winner of the #HustleHarder award is Dale Beverlin. Dale's been with United Metals for over 20 years, and has grown in responsibility with the company. Tom Neill, Brett Ekart, and Nick Snyder sit down to talk about Dale in this video.


alright thanks for joining us guys this is a hustle harder episode for United metals worse in here with Tom nail and Brett and Tom do you want to go into again the hustle harder award yeah we were talking about this and you know for us we want to recognize someone that’s been with the company for for many years 20-plus years it said Dell Beverly Dell currently is a driver operator for us Barry his role within the company is very valuable and important to us Dell will actually go to the outside jobs and he’ll go to our yards and make sure the scrap is bailed up processed correctly and he’s on site on those outside jobs making sure that they run functional in and well so Dale didn’t always start as an outside job CDL truck driver Dale started in the truck shop with my grandpa so I’ve known Dale since Dale was a teenager yeah eighteen nineteen I think something like that and so I got a lot of good history with Dale like my grandpa used to send him once Dale turned 21 to the store every day to buy 12-pack

of beer and figured that beer at the shop at 5 o’clock every day that was Dale’s job yeah sweep the floors help do some light mechanic and go get beer at 5 o’clock for my grandpa and the guys in the shop so from Dale’s came a long way he is like as big a piece of our business and company as anybody sitting at this table and and he’s he’s a big part of why we are able to do what we do with that with the landfills and the auto salvages and just helping process material in our own yard so shout out to Dale we appreciate you man and appreciate what you would you how much hustle you show up with every single day and one thing I just want to add real quick – is that Darrell he’s battled multiple Lots and he travels a lot and we got employees that are just starting now and when you see del del zag rate resource for you yeah and if del is truck telling you something take his advice because Del’s trying to point you in the right direction and if you can take what Del’s

giving ya your chances for success are so much higher than not listening to him yeah I’ve seen del I started in Caldwell that’s where I met del roughly ten years ago and I noticed one thing about del back then and I can’t even recall who it was but we had a younger new guy start and the guys were just given of a you know busting his balls give him a hard time like I like any other place but they were going a little overboard adèle like took that guy and I kind of like said hey leave him alone and just kind of like kind of taught him a few things right and I just kind of shows you like del like is truly trying to teach and try to pass on all that information he has yeah and that’s one thing I really appreciate about del and a lot of these outside jobs I’ll talk to the customer we’ll get people that request del yeah cuz he does that good a job and I always get compliments like man that guy just was awesome and that’s just like something that maybe we don’t always

tell del like hey this guy taught like wanted you cuz he liked how you did the work and he’s got the experience yep thanks Dale appreciate you man thanks guys