Hustle Harder: Joe Torres

In this episode we get a chance to get our award to Joe Torres. Joe has been with company since 2007 and has hustle coursing through his veins. Without him our equipment wouldn't be running and things wouldn't be getting done. Thanks for all your hard work Joe.


all right welcome everybody i’m sitting here with barry prescott how you doing barry very good very good good to be here we are here to announce the newest hustle harder award but first of all i want barry to introduce himself and kind of explain what he does so well barry prescott i uh with the company for for multiple years we uh like everybody here in the company you know we all will wear a majority of hats to make the world go around but i my main focus is is our equipment our drivers and uh and over oversea keeping everything running so we always like to use the analogies like a swiss army knife you know like anything we need like you’re willing to do we got so many guys in the company that are like that right and you know you got to learn to set your ego aside you got to learn to you know not care about titles and just get done yeah and that’s like that all boils down to what this awards all about like guys that can just get some done yeah yeah and i i tell guys this

all the time and this i mean this this mentality comes clear from our base you know i can show you pictures of rod eckert yeah in my shop sweeping the floor because he came in and we had a disaster going on and that’s what he knew how to do to help and just help them clean up i’ve seen i’ve seen brett jump on a forklift unload a truck that came in late yeah i’ve seen rod it was at our hey burn grand opening the a younger one of our younger employees was torture and he realized he didn’t have the settings right so rod went over there and it was touching iron at our grand opening you don’t see a lot of like owners ceos presidents of the company like willing to do it so i’m a firm believer it starts at the top and trickles down for sure you know so well let’s get into it like so who’s our who is our newest hustle harder award so our new recipient is joe torres joe’s work in the shop since 2007 vital piece he’s been my main guy for equipment in caldwell for several

years now joe’s a guy that he’ll just figure it out he’ll get it done be the first guy to tell you that he’s not the smartest you know and he doesn’t know but he’ll he won’t give up until he figures it out talks to the right person figures out the problem um one of the things that also amazes me about him is his he keeps notes on everything he’ll go to his file when he has when he has similar problems and go back through all his notes to try to try to figure out where that figured out the problem yeah so i’ve never liked sin in a room and a guy tells me how smart he is right so i love that about joe like if he’s willing to hustle you know willing to just grind it out like and that’s why he’s getting this award yeah um so where did he start though i don’t i don’t know a lot about his beginning so he start he started in the shop okay you know um started there you know has been been a vital part of it for a lot of years okay

and uh you know when um when we said goodbye with eric gross you know it was his opportunity to step up and and he did so he started in the shop but he started you know at a good entry level he was the bottom yeah yeah when he started every guy that’s been on here started the same way you know myself yourself you know we all started and worked our way up so that gives you more appreciation for when you do make it there i think it makes it better you better boss manager able to just train guys because you’ve done it you know you don’t understand it you know joe is a guy that you know when we have outside jobs going our equipment’s broken or you know we’ve got a big contract to fill and the shears not running you know he’s a guy that’s going to work seven days a week yeah and he’s going to take care of business as best he can so because when our guys close jobs a crush job a sheer job if we don’t have the equipment you know we can’t do it so it’s

all connected like every piece is equally important you know well i’m excited to have you give this to him we’ll hand this to him we’ll get some more footage of him kind of show him in action right and we’ll get that to everybody yeah all right thanks barry you better