Hustle Harder June: Gabriel Guerrero

Gabriel Guerrero has shown true dedication to his job and his family. He comes to work with a smile on his face everyday and is willing to do ANY job. Take a listen and find out what make Gabriel Hustle Harder


welcome everybody we’re here with another episode of hustle harder with united metals i’m sitting here with brett buxton how you doing brett good good doing good nick sitting here with tom neal how’s it going fantastic nick so for our june hustle harder award the nomination came from you buck can you tell us who that is yeah so nominated gabriel guerrero out at our caldwell facility um gabriel’s a guy that’s been with us for a while and he’s just he’s really doing a good job and thought it was time to recognize him and so how long has he been with us tom oh he’s been with us since march of uh 2008 so quite a long time okay and what so what’s his main job duties over there right now buck you know right now he’s he’s kind of our go-to guy for everything um gabriel’s got himself to where we started him out he was doing a cutting torch running a plas cutter and that kind of thing and he’s worked his way up to he can run all the equipment out there he mainly runs the cenobogen sorting material loading rail cars

and trucks and and running the shear as well so he’s really kind of a jack of all trades guy for us he does pretty well pretty much everything the first few years um when i started over in caldwell i remember him when we would just get crazy busy when we had those 80 customers 100 customer days i remember sam would send him over to help us catch up and yeah he he spent a lot of time in the recycling center as well over the years he doesn’t do that as much anymore but just because we’re so busy on the other aspects but but for him to have the ability to do it it’s pretty valuable he always loved when they sent him over because they would he would just get us caught up against caught up like quick i mean that guy would just be running to get it done that’s the thing about gabriel he’s just one of those guys it’s the hard-working guy he’s just you know a pleasure to work with he shows up early every day he’s just ready to go you know it’s just whatever needs done he

asks the question and then he just puts his head down and gets it done so really valuable guy to have well i love it anything to add tom yeah i just think with gabriel i mean one of the reasons why he got nominated by by buxton and uh you know the whole group understands but he’s just consistent he’s consistent in what he does i think he’s a great role model for younger employees to kind of strive for just because he’s consistent you tell him to do something and he’ll do it and yeah you know great great employee always a great employee just i mean even with time off i mean we have a hard time getting him to take his time off just he just likes to work i mean any saturdays that he can squeeze in or any extra hours he’s always all about it and then it gets towards the end of the year and you’re like gabriel you have this time on and you might want to yeah you might want to use it but i mean that’s just the kind of guy he is you know well that kind of

just hints why why he deserves the hustle harder award yeah that’s perfect man yeah exactly all right well we’ll be back next month with the next hustle harder award and we’re very glad to have gabriel yeah all right thanks cool thanks guys