Hustle Harder: Nic Matchen and Stephen Gibson

On this special episode of Hustle Harder, Nick and Tom award not one, but two of our employees for their continued hard work and determination.


all right we have a special hustle harder today because we’re going to be giving two Awards out these guys I’ve known for a long time one of them longer than the other but Tom why don’t you introduce both of them well yeah we kind of missed uh on the hustle harder um been been a little bit so we decided to do two but the reason why we’re doing two is because these two guys say really complement each other well and the two individuals are Nick matches and Stephen Gibson from the Boise yard they work together in our Ferris processing running equipment mobile Baler the cinebogen excavators they’re pretty much Jack of all trades out there yeah and Matt action’s been has been with us for a very long time eight years eight years so refresh my memory where did he start when he started with us you know Nick just started you know what we call as a metal Handler um entry level position um Nick’s background actually you know wasn’t really even blue collar I think he was a nurse I think he did nursing I think he did some some cooking maybe

yeah I think yeah that might be his son it’s it’s been it’s been a little while but you know when he came in Nick just had an open mind and he just started learning um got on the Baylor started learning the Baylor and just on the non-ferrous and then eventually we’ve got him moved into running more heavy equipment and he just took it around with it and you know Nick is our manager on the ferris side you know in Boise and he’s doing really good but one of the things that he did well though is when we heard Steven Steven about two and a half years ago Stephen started working for us and brought Steven in and we just kind of moved him a few places is and then he had an act for operating equipment did he have experience I believe he did yeah he had a little bit Steve’s from Texas so he’s uh has a pretty good background and hard workers so yeah he got got in and nicked to his credit really trained him right and has developed them and they’ve just I mean heck of a job I

mean you go out there on a given day and see the piles that they deal with especially in Boise at some of our other yards it’s bigger has more acreage where they can you know put stuff so those two guys they have to be efficient on the ball and of course there’s other employees that help them but the two of those employees together Steve and Nick it’s amazing what they push out and they ship on a on a month on a day basis oh and on the tonnage per month it’s just increased you know year in year out and they just keep up with it you know you wouldn’t think that they could do a thousand tons out there in that iron yard yeah but there’s months out there where they’re pushing a thousand tons out of there and I get compliments on both of them from so many different people they’ll shoot me text messages call me like hey those guys in Iron yard are amazing because they’ll spend you know hours again they’re loaded in their trailers and then those guys will just literally pick it out so gentle and it really

is amazing yeah you know what’s kind of cool too is that um you know that yard it’s kind of when you think about the old saying you know work smarter not harder and I think that applies to both of them especially Nick I mean if you a couple years ago Brett it was really one to kind of reorganize and redesign um that that Ferris layout with Brett Wells Brett Wells had a big part in that as well and and but Nick had a lot of ideas to bring to the table and just key thoughts into a lot of people but you know the thing was that was cool was you know Nick had a lot of ideas and he he lives it he works it and he had a good idea and you know into Brett’s credit and Eckhart and Brad Wells and everyone’s credit we kind of developed all Nick’s ideas and he had a lot of input and then we got things organized the company put you know a lot of financial investment um in the you know pouring concrete and organizing it but man that thing just flows good now you

know where we can have dedicated you know customer drop-offs and then dedicated Lanes where we load trucks I mean it’s just made the world a difference and even the toe like the the car area the car you got the car area you got that back out Alleyway where the our trucks get loaded so they’re not in the way of our customers and I think Nick was a big part of that happening yeah yeah so so I mean really I mean in my estimation and just you know watching what’s kind of happened throughout the couple years I mean you know what a success story but the thing is you can drop the best plans you know but if you don’t have the people to execute those plans um you know you don’t you don’t even have a good point at that point so so it’s all about the people and kudos to both of them um congratulations both you and will be coming to tell you soon all right cool thanks everybody hey Skye