Metal Monday Episode #11 with Nick and Brett, March 11th, 2024

It's a green Metal Monday and Nick and Brett are back to share the good news! Copper is getting closer and closer to $4 and demand for base metals is high across the board. If you'd like to guest star on Metal Monday or be on A Scrap Life or are interested in reserving your spot on the FAFO Tour, text us at: (208) 487-4311. Produced by Recycled Media.


all right now Monday and you know what man I see a lot of green out there dude this is like a we don’t even know what to do with myself today it feels like it’s St Patty’s Day it’s it’s Friday can I go drink beers yet we can okay all right cool let’s go right now all right I I like it well it feels like a Friday CU there’s a lot of green out there mean copper is on its way to 4 I don’t know when we get there if I think we do get there this month I did that LinkedIn poll and it I think it was like hund 68 votes or something like that right and you know what the overwhelming majority was no no yep 65% I think I’ll post it back up on but it’s I think 65% of the world is pessimistic I voted yes so yes I’m like dude no we’re going there one to four I mean you know how how we roll like we’re going to sit there and cheer this sucker on feels like it’s going that way I mean everything else looks good

too nickel aluminum everything’s green you know the pgms are green and you know I’ve been what I’ve been kind of reading is you know it’s more Supply driven right it’s even on the copper side China hasn’t come out and like said they’re going to go crazy buying copper I mean there’s you know that I think that was like cadelo mine or whatever we talking about shutting down or like they were slowing down so I think there’s enough of supply issues that not necessarily like demand man is there but it’s still there but nothing like out of the norm nothing to drive it crazy right but man if you ever did create some demand and then the lack of Supply out there that you could see copper make a big move you know okay so what else are you seeing though are you seeing a lot more Demand on nickel out there you seeing a lot more Demand on aluminum from from me and I think it’s just Supply I mean i’ I’ve had a fair amount of people that you know we’ve done little bit of business with over the years some people we’ve

done a lot of business with over the years they’re like hey we’re looking for units right we’re looking for loads weight you know we’ve got XYZ commitments that we’ve made and I think a lot of them are struggling Meeting those commitments okay just because the volume of scrap is still has been in you know fairly short supply which we’ve been talking about on the ferah side for a while I mean these these markets settled out you know down 30 bucks you know and and I think at least on the you know the Big Iron you know maybe even a little yeah maybe depends on Less on the The Shred grades maybe 20 to 25 depending on which direction you’re going but you’re definitely looking at some pretty big down moves in the Midwest and would be like east of the they’re more down like 40 40 to 60 40 to 60 right with maybe even a mid Monon drops coming yeah so yeah talking to our friends from the Midwest is they are very they feel like they getting their nuts kicked in every day over there with the market pricing in their defense

they’ve had they’ had higher prices than we’ve had over here on the West Coast you know Northwest for a while now not that I think their prices are probably even still higher if you uh even after you take into consideration this drop so you know I think it’s all relative you know some like oh the Market’s off a dollar well if you start at five it’s not as big of a deal but if you start at two then a dollar is Big you know and so I think it just depends on you know it depends on you know where you started from it’s hard to you know measure your drops without knowing your starting point well I hope we get to $4 copper I hope the Midwest doesn’t see a mid-month drop in Ferris including us I hope we don’t see that yeah I hope we see it I hope we see an up number in Ferris in April I don’t know if I see that happening but if the nonfer keeps cooking it helps the Cause A wise man once told me you can hope in one hand and the other and

see which one fills up quicker but that being said I’m I’m optimistic that we weather the storm whatever’s coming our way and we actually know the the commodi stay in the game I think you know I’m hopeful that the dollar is maybe topped out and you know if we do get some serious you know economic you know activity as far as rates come off a little bit they stok the inflation a little bit like you could see base when the next rate meeting I’m not sure okay yeah they just had it had one or so ago um what did they say a week or so well essentially they’re getting more comfortable with the idea of cutting rates so they’re not they’re not cutting but they’re coming around things just held sideways they’re coming around to the idea that you know a rate cut in the future isn’t detrimental to the economy as a whole whether that’s true or not I’m not here to like discuss that that’s kind of above my pay grade but I’m trying to understand trying to understand how that affects everything I’m just trying to know which way to go

like which way to I know when they cut them the commodity markets go up that’s what I know yeah so when the US dollar Index is red usually that loads well for the uh for the base Metals the precious metals um because I think that means that you know the dollar strength is you know coming off which then Stokes a little maybe potential inflation so we’ll see we’ll see what uh what the month brings us but so far and we’re already the middle of the month almost by the end of the week we will be and then we got another generational courage coming yep awesome okay yeah we got another we got a family out of Texas okay that we uh had a podcast with when we were down in Houston and um really good story you know um another multi-generation business that we you know I love highlighting those just cuz they they ring true for me so so heavily but there’s just so much going on there and I think they in true for many people in the scrap game it’s a pretty common um you know thing with other companies

throughout the industry and I think yeah whether it’s the demolition industry whether it’s you know I mean so many of these you know so many Industries are you know not just a scrap we fill it wi but are just multigeneration yeah you’re right a lot of demo guys are that way too so businesses so it’s always interesting to talk to those people and just kind of see how their Journey you went well awesome well I’m looking forward to that and then we’re about a a little a little about a month away from isri so we’re going to be over there to see all our friends and excited for that too absolutely talk to you guys uh next Monday Take Care thank you