Metal Monday Episode #18 with Nick and Brett, April 29th, 2024

It's another Metal Monday...except live!! Join Brett and Nick as they discussed how markets are looking, the importance of marketing your business and a bit of what to expect for May. Produced by Recycled Media.


all right we’re live I’m over here but I’m over we can I mean hey cozy we share bedrooms you yeah we don’t share beds no but we do never happened don’t let the rumors get to you we are really good friends we just don’t share beds so we’re live on Brett’s Tik Tok everyone on there can see us we’re also live on some other channels on my channels on LinkedIn Instagram Facebook I’m hoping it’s working over there but we’ll just Dive Right In worst case scenario it’s going to be saved and we’ll put it out we’ll post it as our one of our podcasts but like I said if anybody has any questions or whatever then Now’s the Time to fire away this is kind of in prep for us do for our uh Thursday um show that we’re going to do with um with Matt Bono and Jennifer Betts and we’re going to discuss scrap we’re going to discuss the marketing behind the Rebrand why branding is important to your business and so we wanted to figure out how to go live we’ve never done it and this also just you know

kind of what we always talk about we just go out there and do it you know we could just wait and do a couple bunch of test ones but we’re just going to go out there figure out if it worked figure out if we made mistakes figure out how to make it better you know and I guarantee Thursday when they Wednesday when you guys go live it’s going to be even better so I woke up this morning anticipating copper going down kind of I anticipate everything going down on Monday because it feels like that’s the way Mondays usually work it’s usually down and nope everything’s still just booming the only thing off like slightly is nickel but still it’s like 819 or something on eight so above eight and everything else I mean PGM still are still cooled off yeah I mean there’s I mean they’re up this morning but they got kind of monkey hammered last the end of the week last week I mean but feel like rodium like the only one that’s just kind of hanging it’s just it hasn’t really pushed up or pushed down it’s kind of just around

that 4500 Mark and just kind of hanging um I saw the plaum was up you know 30 something bucks Platinum was up 30 something bucks but plaum is up 30 bucks and it’s still barely the same you know it’s barely higher than Platinum so yeah that that Market’s really changed a lot but you know that doesn’t affect as nearly the amount of people in our in our business that price of copper does aluminum you know nickel no no copper I mean that’s such a big mover and right now we’ve had a lot of electricians break loose of kind of the their stock piles have had in their storage areas we’ve been buying a lot of copper here we’ve been pushing our price up for our customers and you know you go out in our warehouse there’s just copper everywhere right now which is which is awesome because it’s still going you know it’s still going do you think it do you think we get to 475 this week week uh I mean we’re at 66 yeah this this morning so I don’t feel like 475 is that much of a stretch you know I

was reading an article this weekend and they were talking about you know some of your biggest um your biggest stocks you know from a valuation standpoint like your you know your Google’s apples Nvidia now I mean they’re making moves of like of literally 10% on a daily like and and basically the article was saying that you know there’s so much volatility in the stock market there’s so much volatility in um the metals markets right now right I mean I mean the moves are big I mean it’s you know when you’re when you’re moving you know multiple percents a day not multiple cents but like multiple percents I mean those gyration those moves are they’re big and I think that makes a big makes a big difference as when you’re trying to trade it and buy it because you’re trying to buy a a commodity that and we’re don’t hedge so it just definitely makes it a little more trickier but the flows more you know when the price is high you get more stuff comes in the flow is good the the price has been you know constantly up which is good like for

us when we’re buying that way yeah you know but I’ve been on the other end of that where we buy byy buy byy and then you know like and that doesn’t feel as good as it does today like even though I we anticipate and you and you did sell you know load out there but I anticipated the dip and maybe I’m just wrong maybe we maybe we’re on a run you know so well this week you know it’s a big week we’ll see what uh what Chad the scrap master has this say as far as what he anticipates the feris market to look like that’s kind of more intriguing more interesting to me than some of this other stuff because I I am it does feel like there’s some positive momentum on the feris side now what is that translate into um you know pricing wise we’ll see but I don’t it’s hard for me to believe there’s going to be a bunch of contracts cancel it’s hard for me to believe that there’s going to be a bunch of you know you know Market gations I feel like the Market’s got to be

up to what extent I don’t know but I think we will we’ll get that determined here soon enough you got medal Monday on the 1 right or not metal Bulls versus Bears Bulls versus Bears with Chad Eller Brock and I and then we’ll get that posted because we got the LinkedIn newsletter that we’re going to put out and that usually kind of gives everybody a little bit of trading awareness so that when you do go to make your trades you do go to get your stuff sold for the month that you can make an educated decision you can make an educated sell mhm for what that is your every Market is different but you gotta you got to do something okay real quick I had a crisp $100 bill ready to bring yeah and they and Lakers they pulled out Lakers got one I need three more I get 500 yeah can it happen it’s never happened ever but I’m going to keep my hope it can my hope alive I mean you got LeBron you got ad you got you got the guys to do it it’s just I think Denver’s just got

more Firepower I was ready I was prepared for the sweep I was prepared to bring that and might be the first bet I won off of you might the first money I actually got to take from you not over yet yeah I’m not I’m not counting my chickens till those are hatched that game will be over that game will be over and I’ll be dead asleep because I think that’s going to be a late it’s a late start game I’ll my ass will be in bed I’ll text you at 10: p.m. if they win if not I’m going be quiet yeah exactly sh we just bring the money cuz I could I really I’m probably BR it’ll be here next Monday if if I lose you know we might we’ll find we’ll figure out the double or nothing bet oh yeah we could we could do something well I hope everything came through good live it’s a good it’s been a good good trial Ron and I think that we are um we’re kind of excited to to try this out on Thursday and start making this a little more regular part of

our um podcasting deal yeah just figuring out these live platforms and then you know if anyone’s curious on being a guest or joining or doing their own reach out to us we’ll help you on the mistakes that we made absolutely hope everybody has a great week we’ll talk to you soon thanks everybody