Metal Monday Episode #23 with Nick and Brett, June 3rd, 2024

It's another Metal Monday and Nick and Brett are back to discuss how the markets are looking! Copper is up - slightly. Tune in to hear how base metals are doing across the board! Produced by Recycled Media.


all right you know another Metal Monday and you know I technically copper is green today yes today it’s green up six but I think a week ago last week it was a blood bath but last Monday it was a decent one where were we last Monday on copper dude I don’t know I stopped watching 4 480 490 is in that range on Monday and then it just freaking took a nose and honestly the reason I stopped watching is I had stopped having stuff to sell so like I didn’t I was telling this to somebody at the end of last week I was like man I’m personally kind of relieved that it finally ran out of gas because I was selling that was anything that wasn’t bolted down like like I was selling everything and I sold honestly a lot of stuff I sold a fair amount of stuff fairly early yeah you know in the 460 then the 480 and it just it kept going I was like broke five broke five for a little while yeah then powered ahead to like 518 516 or something like that but I mean you know

I to the point of I mean it it just kept it kept going and I was out of to sell so I stopped paying attention cuz I’m like oh here we go and then now it’s coming back to reality um it feels like this is a more viable more you know reality yeah Trading Zone but that’s also like you know that it feels like mid 450s is still pretty damn good yeah you know like in the grand scheme of things like we yeah did we see a 50 Cent 60 Cent like adjustment yeah we did but I think that’s what probably what needed to happen yeah if that would have ran till six then I would have started to get really scared well you were starting to watch the spreads open up pretty far too so I mean it wasn’t we talked about this last Monday but you weren’t getting or last Tuesday but you weren’t getting all of it even if you were selling the material cuz people felt it was a little ahead of itself yeah you know on the consumer side so they weren’t I mean if it might have been

up 30 but you on the on number one copper you might have been getting 10 of that you know exactly they’re wh the spreads what are you seeing else uh aluminums nickels what are you seeing room’s up a little bit this morning um so I think that’s you know that that’s good um the demand pretty good strong people are trying to buy it from you yep aluminum’s aluminum feels really strong um some of the aluminum pricing that I’m seen I haven’t seen for a while um which is good that’s a good thing that means there’s some demand some demand out there um Chad and I did our Bulls versus Bears yesterday afternoon on Sunday so that’ll be out today so I hope everybody gets to listen to that and um yeah take a listen to that for the feris side um find out if it’s up or down check that out that should be posted today so so I mean I mean I think I think all in all Ferris is looking a little soft this month um which is to be expected you feel like the summer do drums are about to be

here yeah we’re about to get into the 100 degree weather high 90s end of this week you know and then that just changes everything out there for until people kind of get acclimated to it including your customers you’re just going to kill the flow for like a week or two but if it stays in the 90s people get used to it just like when I had zero yeah people get used to it and finally get like okay it’s not going to get warm anytime soon or it’s not going to get cold anytime soon but on the time of year so you just you deal with it you got to keep your guys hydrated and healthy and you got to keep your equipment you know in check yeah cuz you know that’s over on in a in a hurry so we’re going to be done with their summer summer schedule on production level and just keep the flow moving for our customers I don’t know how anybody else does it I’m sure everybody does it different like we move our start times up earlier in the morning to catch that as much that cool weather

cuz it gets lighter here so we move our start times up um so we can get our guys you know especially it’s a it’s a fairly labor intense industry that we we still operate in and so you want to get uh much of that cool weather as you can in the morning um especially that you have light yeah we do that for the production side the retail we we keep the same cuz that’s just the hours that we operate for our retail our commercial and our uh individuals that want to recycle cans copper anything they want and we’ve had some busy weeks people are like moving material right now which is nice to see so we’re going to send out a link for our uh um 75 hard um ch do LinkedIn 75 going to give me the summer though right well I said it I said it I was like hey here’s the deal like I refuse to do in the summer cuz I like a cold beer as much as the next guy when it’s hot outside I got a built to SCH concert coming up I got coming up but at

the end of the day like at some point I’m to I want to I was thinking about starting a month earlier you know we start October 1st start September 1 September 1 so Lyn and we at least we can have Thanksgiving cuz we had to work through I get my birthday back too yeah yeah so I mean It’s a Grind September is still pretty nice it’s fall start of the football season but you know there’s never a perfect time to do you just gotta just yeah I’m down I’ll give it another run like I think I saw the comments on your post like a lot of people are they want to do it you know yeah and I think I think people like the idea they could get through the summer yeah have some adult sodas it’s like anything too though you’re like okay but you know September one’s going to be here soon everybody so get ready yeah it’s going to yeah you get ready I got a lot of value out of the first one but there were most moments where I’m like this why the am I doing this why am

I like a glutton for punishment so I’m down if you want to do I’m G send the link out if you want to do it go ahead yeah want to do it Brett will send out a link join us we’ll make some uh cool type of group that we can communicate in yes sir let’s go thanks everybody have a great day