Metal Monday Episode #24 with Nick and Brett, June 10th, 2024

It's another Metal Monday and the markets are GREEN! Tune in to hear Brett and Nick's takes on parenting, the scrap market, and what to expect in the coming months. Produced by Recycled Media.


green again but with a silver lining cuz you just got uh your that the thing got smoked on Friday Friday was a rough one man 20 22 cents 25 cents where where did it land oh it was bad I mean I but it’s was in the 440s right so yeah we’re but I mean today we’re seeing like four low 450s 455 yeah 455 is where it sits right now at the time of this recording um so we’ll see kind of what happens but like I said I feel like it got extended um you know Chad and I talked about the Bulls versus Bears I even at that point I said I feel like it’s softer before it’s before it’s you know higher um I still believe that to be the case maybe it sits right here you know for a little bit longer I don’t know I I it definitely feels like to me that that market is got like I said it got a little ahead of itself so I think it’s you know around $4 450 copper is still good I mean we’re not I mean I’m not complaining at all

and we s like we got crushed on inventory so we’re yeah we’re in good sh and I don’t really honestly think most I generally don’t think most guys in the recycling in the scrap business did I think most guys were smart enough to get rid of that as the thing climbed if anything yeah Mike myself I know for a fact like I sold probably early like I I once the market got really kind of started going and moving I didn’t really wait around to see if it was going to get to 5 or 5:15 like I just kind of started but today that’s a good wherever you sold it today’s a yeah it makes you feel better it makes you feel a lot better about your situation there ain’t no doubt about that um but I think just like anything you know it’s you know one day you’re a hero one day you’re a zero but if you just buy and you sell and you keep stuff moving I think eventually it averages out itself out for you and I listened to BS versus Bears last week and so iron and our neck

of the woods wasn’t near as bad as like the Midwest and East Coast yeah um why is it so different let everyone know like why is it so different why could it go down 40 back over there and go down five or 10 over here you on the feris side yeah it still goes back to where you started M at the price did you start from you know somebody might you be a my price only went down five like well yeah I was already getting paid $45 time more than you right the final price is what’s ultimately I think but but to to that point we had that conversation with um Chad and I think you know the turkey Market is is is softening or at Le I mean it’s it’s not really you know it’s not super hungry so you know does that pay does that does that create issues for domestic tons does it make less homes for domestic tons the Asian market is still struggling a little bit um just different shipping lanes really shipping lanes it’s demand steel mill lead times are down so the price of new Steels coming

down I was getting some you know some information like some some pretty wild numbers of of um hot roll pricing yeah that is not really conducive to a positive scrap Market which means there’s more capacity coming on already plus you have the existing capacity and if there’s no demand or limited demand then you know it’s it’s going to be a blood bath on that side which mean we’re going to feel that on the scrap side so it’s a it’s going to be a tricky time on usually the summer months are tricky already you know there’s just from a demand standpoint so the pricing is softening um I’ve heard some people think that maybe as we get closer to fall maybe you get a little bit of that back but we’re not counting on it we’re just going to try and get some stuff cut and keep it moved and um try and sell in the market that we’re buying from so yep yep all right I want to talk about last week last week if anyone watched your truck talk to Tuesday yeah you had your youngest son with you I did you did

a Utah trip I did and he’s been around the scrap world the recycling World his whole life like you maybe not as much as you were yeah but he’s been around it um and I’m I had the the opportunity to speak with a bunch of elementary kids last week okay um anywhere from second grade to fifth grade yeah it asked awesome questions I got them they’re going to to recycle as much as they can this summer I’m going to give them an extra bonus they’re going to come up and bring the stuff up here and recycleing I’m going hand him the money where I’m going with this though is how do you think the younger generation could get excited about getting into the scrap Community I think so I think I think the world takes all kinds man and I think that you know our economy is tricky right I mean there’s certain times where it’s you know everybody wants to be a real estate agent and a builder and a um Bitcoin Trader and you know like you know my my my oldest boy he’s really into you know tennis shoes right like

Jord you know Nikes and Jordans and this and that and and that’s really what his interest level is what does that have to do with this I mean that’s just where his interest lies now does that change over time when it it becomes harder to make money or difficult to make money you know do doing something you love maybe but for now like I encourage him I’m like well go do something with that right if that’s what you really like if that’s what you’re into so the goal for us like what we should be doing is just exposing our kids to as much as possible right like I want to like when I take uh my youngest son like when we went to Utah I was able to combine a work trip with a basketball tournament for him and I want to just to expose him to everything so we started out in our production meeting then we took him to the storage facility so he can see that then I took him to the hab or Hab yard so he could see that yard then I took him to the shredder you know

the the the Western Metal Shredder down in Plymouth Utah then I took him to the pipe production plant because obviously we have a pipe business then I took him to the Liberty tire recycling fac I just want to expose him I just I think the biggest thing we can do with our kids or the youth in general is just expose them to as many things as possible and see what their interest is right I mean I’m big on like courage I’m big on like pushing our kids to to be you know Risk Takers I’m push big on pushing our kids to not be scared of failing and and that and I think that’s a lot of business is a lot of fails and a few wins you know I mean it feels like it’s more failures than it is winds but the winds if you can do them right counteract and they they overcome all those you know failures you fail more than you win and I think and I think that narrative’s been getting to the kids where it’s okay like you know my daughter has been working on her basketball game this

summer and she gets frustrated she’s trying to kind of dial in her three-point shooting yeah and she’s just getting mad she missed she was missing a lot of shots and I said hey like Eden who’s the best shooter of all time most people would say Steph Curry yeah like that guy May 50% of his shots 40 40 40% of his shots yeah as a career from a three-point line yeah so he’s in the 40s I thought it was I thought it was higher no so even that’s the best in the world I had this conversation with my son he misses six and I and you can translate that to everything in life yeah you’re going to miss you’re going to fail more than you win the wins are going to matter more though you know I posted I posted a like a while back like Michael Jordan missed I don’t remember how many game winners it was crazy it was like 180 200 some it’s a big number he missed that many game-winning shots nobody remembers that they only remember the big ones that he made right but the only way

you get comfortable making the big ones is to miss all those other ones and then there’s a certain amount of like nuts there’s a certain amount of guts and and grit that it takes to be able to keep shooting shooting that shot and I think that’s what I want my kids to take away from me my career you your career like hey like the only reason we have any any of this is because we just keep we’re willing to keep taking shots yeah and we’ve taken a lot of shots that missed and I’ve highlight those a regular basis you know whether it’s auto auctions or you know I mean I still have you name I still have my Titan Auto Auction pen at home yeah like it’s just like we’ve done a lot of you know we’ve tried a lot of things and not everything sticks but we also aren’t we’re also not afraid of just trying and I think that’s what I want my kids to see is what can be built and I want any everybody I think everybody should share that message with their kids that it can be it’s about

what you you know what how many times you’re willing to keep trying and keep keep pushing the envelop so that that was what I was excited about being able to take him and I’m super proud of that kid I love introducing him to some of my friends in the industry whether they’re Shredder operators or you know Tire facility you know you know I got to roduce him to a lot of people that I’ve that know me and spend a lot of time around me so like that’s always fun you know cuz I think everybody’s you know pretty proud of their kids so absolutely so everyone out there talk to your kids get tell them to try keep trying yeah let them get used to failing you know you know let them fail let your kids fail I agree thank you everybody all right have a great day thanks