Metal Monday Episode #26 with Nick and Brett, June 25th, 2024

It's another Metal Monday, tune into to see how the metals markets are looking! Produced by Recycled Media.


all right welcome everybody Metal Monday on a very special Tuesday with Brett Brett was traveling yesterday we were swamping special in a special in a good way because we up we could have had a green Metal Monday or at least somewhat and some at least on the pgms um base medals were they were okay yeah copper was kind of sideways um so you know at the end of the day you know it’s we got we got a we got a greenish Monday and we we pissed it away now we’re doing it on a Tuesday but that’s life yeah well it wouldn’t be Metal Monday if it weren’t red most of the time for us so it is red today on metal Tuesday yep that copper feels that copper feels real wobbly man what do you think bro what do you think about copper right now you know man I I hate making predictions I do make them just because I’m like everybody else we trying to see where this thing goes I’ve been selling copper the whole time obviously I may I think I missed missed some of the real big upside stuff

you know maybe like past five I missed all that I mean I passed 490 I missed all that um but as the market comes down you know obviously we sold into it so you know we’re in okay shape um but it does feel like the the the trend is not our friend right now and it seems like it’s on the downside not the upside so which actually feels like where feris markets are going as well I talked to some people yesterday today and they don’t seem very positive so you know we’ll uh see where the thing goes but typical summer feris Blues combined with some nonfer blues why why does summer make him go down why why is that I don’t know that it’s necessarily summer that makes it go down but on the steel side it just feels like that’s kind of how it how it goes because the flows kind of turn on throughout the spring and then if you don’t have a good consistent demand then um to soak up that spring material flow then it’s just you know it’s Supply Demand right so the supply is there demand necessarily isn’t

so it kind of drives the price down that makes sense and you know Pete we were talking earlier but pgms are just getting whacked like they had a good day yesterday they had a good day Friday I mean you can’t win them all you know and I think and I say good I mean relatively speaking I mean plaum is still just in the dark relative to where it has been Platinum is holding on you know holding strong at that 980 is number you know 950 n anywhere between 950 980 seems like a decent Platinum number um anything over a thousand I think is good but padium still is on The Struggle Bus um rodium has got some love over the last week or so I mean I saw it hit 4650 yesterday I mean that’s a good that’s a good sign that there’s some life there I mean it felt like it traded sideways forever yeah um so I haven’t looked at hard this morning where it’s at but um like like everything else I mean where have you have you looked at rodium this morning yeah it’s 4550 right now it’s off 100

so so yeah I mean there you go there’s the tail of the tap um it’s like everything right it’s at least it’s trading at least it’s moving up and down you know that means it’s people are you know moving that material there for a while I just felt like it was just sideways sideways sideways every day so okay prediction prediction question rodium back to 10,000 this year 10 I think that’s a stretch this year unless something dramatic happens in Russia or okay something you know I mean South Africa has a couple mines go all the way down or something crazy China picks up a bunch of momentum which all those things seem kind of like very risky bets so I I say no but you know but it’s so it’s such a thinly traded commodity that if it it gets a little momentum that thing can rock it you know we’ve seen it before so yeah it’s a very see it feels very unpredictable so yeah go it could go to the moon or go to the dirt you know it go either way yeah I don’t know that it gets a whole

lot lower I mean maybe like four but I mean it feels like we’re kind of just trudging around on the bottom right now CU yeah those C converter prices are still just that average price per converter is still so much lower than it been years yeah but I think that’s the new Norm at least for a while I mean it has been that way for a while now right so yeah it’s been that for a long time now and um yeah and copper like we keep saying you know four you know 440 copper is not the worst thing in the world either you know no no it’s not 70 copper again yeah I think a lot of people would agree with me there um especially if you bought a lot of copper at 470 in that range or 480 you know and you didn’t get it moved or you you waited too long too long to pull the trigger so I don’t think most people did I think that’s kind of what drove the price I think people were selling into it I’d be very surprised to see very many people sitting on expensive

copper just because I feel like most people traded it is my guess I don’t think there’s yeah that’s that’s what you know what I hear the people I talk to it feels like it was traded correctly a lot of people for 5 520 to come back or anything like that you know they were well it just gets so expensive to sit on it right I mean you’re just you’re sitting on expensive inventory yeah it gets very expensive like every purchase you know every purchase through our our yards is much higher now because higher well and you know I think like I think this the scrap industry isn’t necessarily I mean I think there’s a lot of people out there that are I don’t wouldn’t say struggling but it’s it’s a tough business right now right I mean with the fairest markets and pricing and non-fair swings I mean it’s it’s a it’s a such a cash intense business but I think it’s a it can be a tough business if you’re not really on your game I mean flows are still off I think across the board so it is what it is

yeah the yard lower you know depending on how your your Cycling Company set up if you have a lot of outside work you know that can kind of help us through these slow times you know but a lot of yards aren’t relying on that they’re relying on the flow into the yard and the commercial scrap and and that does still fill off you know I’ve talked to a few demo guys a few manufacturers like it feels like those guys feel like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel because there’s a ton of bid bid requests coming through the are picking up and this is at least for our area here in Idaho so that’s a sign you know like obviously we’re still at the like the beginning of this election season you know so like getting through that and to find the where that lands you know it’ll be real interesting for 2025 and it feels like if things happen like a lot of people are predicting 2025 could be a decent rebound year you know but I know I we’ll see I hate to predict predict all that let just play

it what let’s play it one day at a time one one month at a time and leave the prediction up to those smart people writing articles on the internet well all I know is copper’s down four or five cents today so yeah time to go buy copper a little cheaper than you did yesterday or else you know we’ll see what happens that’s right well thanks for uh all right brother thank you everybody thanks for everybody have a great week sorry for the late delay but we got her in thanks everybody all right