Metal Monday Episode #28 with Nick and Brett, July 11th, 2024

It's a Metal Monday on a Thursday and copper is once again red. Demand is slowing down as the temperatures rise. Find out about Metal Monday livestreams. Produced by Recycled Media.


all right we are live with Brett and myself and we are doing Metal Monday on a Thursday we just want wanted to wait for copper to drop 10 cents in one day to bring Metal Monday be uh it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t wait until copper was in the red to do metal Monday Wednesday Thursday we just feel really good when the market is um challenging that’s when we’re in our sweet spot and we are gonna try to start doing these live more often we would this we didn’t really warn anybody out there if have any questions during it if you’d like to even join a live one with us let us know we want live questions and this is just kind of our jump off point to bring these live feeds back to everyone I think we start doing them live then anybody has any questions or whatever the case may be then we can actually just kind of go through it and talk the market talk maybe Market in your region or what you guys were seeing and and then kind of what we’re seeing whether it’s feris non feris

um and just kind of get everybody’s feedback input is always a good thing so we saw a good run on copper this you know we got back to those 460 area know we’re seeing a dip today but in general that Copper’s been hanging around 450 460 your other things I mean aluminum sell hanging in there nickel’s been getting beat up a little bit um overall and we didn’t really get anyone any Clarity where Ferris landed exactly or do you any input on Ferris for the West Coast yeah I mean on the over here you know it’s kind of a sideways trending Market at least on like your cut grades and um shred feed I it feels like that is the that is the market um the export Market is still soft so I think they’re probably you know depending on where you’re located there probably is some there could be some soft sideways money maybe down 5 10 bucks depends on where you’re selling to but I think on the cut grade side you know it’s it’s a soft sideways um but it’s you know maybe off a couple bucks um if if depending

on if you’re an export or you’re shipping domestically to steel mills um it definitely feels squishy out there there’s not a significant you know I think the demand is still is still kind of rough and that could be that way may probably through the end of the year from what I’m hearing at least through the end of the summer so demand for um your feris material is rough domestically is it worldwide where what are you week I think you know demand is slowing down I mean I I met with one of our aluminum consumers yesterday and he was saying that they kind of anticipate the rest of this year to be kind of um and maybe next year so I mean it’s not super positive picture but I mean you’re still able to move material you may not be mo able to move it into your to your big primary consumers you may have to move it to the secondary Market or you know export but I mean there’s still demand for it but it’s definitely um softening it feels when when the demand’s weaker and these consumers can be a little more choosy

yeah how do you think they pick who they’re going to buy from if they’re not just trying to buy from everybody I think it’s from who has maintained the relationship who has you know good product who has you know held up their end to the the deals that they’ve made over the last you know six months to six years to whatever so this is where it comes back to a very relationship driven business um as there becomes less homes that’s the important the times are good it’s still important to make a really good product when the times are bad you have you mean everybody’s oh I I got to step up my game and and make a better product like no you should have been doing that you should have been maintaining those Rel yeah quality matters relationships throughout the process good quality matters you know keeping yourself to a high standard being visible I think one thing to keep yourself in check is being quite visible on social media like like YouTube right you post your loads you thank people you know it it goes both ways so if they don’t honor it

you know not saying you have to put them on blast but they could do the same to you if you said hey I’m gonna send you a load of uh you know you know clean 63 and you send them 990 you know 95% like you know they can put you on blast just the same way so I think it’s one of those two like you live by the sword and you die by the sword right like if you are you know um out there putting people on blast that aren’t holding up their end of the deal then be you better be doing your part right or else that knife Cuts both ways like if you’re actually doing them buy more material then I feel like there’s that that’s good I mean I think that’s what you should be doing we should be promoting the good actors whether it’s the the actual recycling companies or the the good consumers and I think you should be you should help promote those people that are buying that are buying scrap and that they’re sticking to their price regardless of where the market is and and doing their

their part part of it as well agreed all right well anything else to add Brett no I think it’s a it’s hot I everybody’s fighting heat so it’s super important for us to like you know keep our keep our guys hydrated and you know I mean we’re starting we’re starting a little bit earlier and kind of cycling guys through trying to just kind of manage through the heat but I was looking at the weather report here in Idaho and we’re set up for the next week everything’s over a 100 you know 101 to 107 108 is what I’m seeing today for the next 10 days so it’s going to be hot which will affect the scrap flow um to a certain extent so these summer months um even if the the demand is somewhat weaker I also think that the flow if the flow matches that or then some like pushes even lower then that’s where we could get a possible like fall bump in ferish pricing so be aware of that you know Market your material make make a good product but also make sure that you’re uh talking to other people make

sure that you’re trading it at the right price all right thank you everybody we will do another live one next week I’m not sure if we’re gonna do it Monday but I’ll keep you posted on what day we’re gonna do it on maybe we’ll put out a post to let people what know what time and day we’re going to do it so more people can join thank you everybody all right take care