Metal Monday Episode #30 with Nick and Brett, July 24th, 2024

Tune in to this weeks Metal Monday on Wednesday to hear Brett and Nick discuss the importance of maintaining a good work life balance and hear how the metals markets are looking. Produced by Recycled Media.


all right we just got to keep everybody on their toes so we are doing midal Monday on a Wednesday is not live this time but we’re going to keep that live thing going I I want more participation I want more questions but that’s also on us getting out there being more consistent on the livetime but we’ll we’ll work on that um I’m in my truck I just pulled over for impromptu Metal Monday Brett’s still grinding on the road and how you doing today Brett I’m good man I’m good just uh wrapping up this this time off with the family um getting them getting some last last family time in before the kids and the wife go back to school and then dude it’s back to the back to the grind you know it’s just you know how it goes there’s no balance it’s it’s kind of like hey you just take it this time to do this and then you take this time to do that and then it is what it is you know I I think about I used to think about life you know work life balance all that like

there truly isn’t a 5050 ever it’s impossible sometimes you’re 80 on work 20 on family sometimes you’re 80 on family 20 on work and that goes with not just that that goes with I think relationships too dude it’s not always 5050 sometimes you’re giving more sometimes the other s’s you know lifting you up more I think I think this whole balance things a just a myth you know it does it’s yeah like the law of averages right like if you do it right I mean you have like some uh some peak times when it’s life and some peak times when it’s work and then you’ll have days in between but I think at the end of the day like all you’re trying to do is just maximize both and I think that’s how I look at it I’m just trying to maximize the life side when I have the opportunity and then maximize the work side when we when I have the opportunity that just is what it is that’s how that’s kind of how this thing goes I love it man always grinding well copper is trending to four like you predicted you

should have bet me I I would have took that bet but looks like we might get down there was it 4:12 this morning earlier when I checked 413 now I still feel like we’re probably going to push to four bucks but we’ll see um I don’t really feel like there’s any reason why this Market goes up unless something crazy happens um I feel like the the trend this way is is still down um but we’ll see I mean maybe August looks a little bit differently but I mean it’s it’s across the board that way with nickel I mean aluminum this morning is at least the only thing that’s slightly green um and that’s just bar yeah but it’s been getting whack though aluminum the Midwest premiums been getting hammered um so yeah I think it’s this time of year it’s a tricky it’s a tricky time right now on the on the base medals I mean pgms got wack last week and a little bit of this week so I mean they’re catching a little bit of love this morning but only because they just been getting hammered um overall I mean we’ll

see what the ferris Market does but it’s probably you know going to be much of the much of the same but we’ll see you never know yeah you know I anticipate feris to be down and kind of trend with you know the the base medals and but like I said we’ll have to wait and see we’ll see what happens we’re battling the heat in Idaho still is hot we got fires popping up all over the place shutting down the freeway so that you know that affects the flow that affects things dramatically too you know that freeway has been down all week um uh to go towards Oregon you know so you know just those things and we anticipate some High wins and so just a combination of things just pushing that price down you know we’re still in that election year which is just getting weirder and weirder as the weeks go by but we’ll keep keep seeing how that plays out and um yeah we’ll see what we’ll see what the next uh see what this next year or this next month brings but I’m not uh super optimistic about the price I’m

optimistic about our ability to weather the storm but I’m not super optimistic about the pricing that’s going to come along with that storm you know yeah we’ll get through it just like all you know everyone listen out listening out there all the other yards listening you know we’ve been through this before we adjust adjust quickly and then uh you know it also gives you a good opportunity to tighten your belt a little bit you know make sure you’re doing things efficiently you know so absolutely so you always spin it as a positive but you can always find a positive in there you know yeah I mean at the end of the day we’ve all seen Market gations before anybody’s been in the business they understand how this deal goes the biggest thing is just trying to make good decisions trying to um you know make sure your ducks are in a row as far as your operation and just be as efficient as you as you can be I think that’s all it’s all we can it’s all we can really do well cool all right well we’ll be uh we’ll try to get

a live scheduled for next week um we’ll get that out there we’ll push that out there little earlier absolutely and uh we’ll do a live either Metal Monday or just maybe just a live discussion where people can chime in to just talk about their operation that might even be cool so we’ll just kind of play around with that live if you guys if anyone’s got any ideas what they want to talk about I’d want to hear it all right all right buddy good talking to you I’ll see you next week back at it thank you sir all right see you see you