Market Overview and Volatility
All right, is it bloody today, or do we have clovers? What’s going on out there? It’s a rough ride for the stock market; I mean, just last night, I was watching the carbon market, and it was down by like 89 cents. I was keeping an eye on it because I received notifications on what crypto was doing. Crypto got hammered, so I thought I’d better check copper. It was down, and this was around 8-9 p.m., so I figured we might wake up to it being down 20 or so, but surprisingly, it was only down by 2.
I think we’re green now, making a bit of a comeback. The news is always reactive, and it’s pretty crazy out there right now. There is a lot of volatility and many moving parts. We thought there were moving parts before the election, but now, it’s even more dynamic.
Impact of Tariffs and Global Economy
So, is it reactions to the tariffs? Well, the tariffs are probably the biggest factor lately. People are trying to figure out the data from China, which has been impacting everything. The Chinese economic turmoil coupled with the tariffs is a major issue. The Chinese economy is in trouble, if not on a larger scale than our own crash in 2008, which people remember as being extremely harsh. Their real estate crash hit hard, they’re dealing with an aging population, and all of this, combined with tariffs with Mexico and Canada, is creating uncertainty.
Economic Transition and Opportunities
Some people dislike uncertainty. When President Trump got elected, there was a sense of certainty; people knew what to expect. But now, with these tariffs, it’s a different level of unpredictability. People start questioning what this means for individual markets and goods that are either imported or exported. Once these issues are ironed out, it provides more understanding until the next problem arises. Volatility, I think, is here to stay. The focus of this administration, moving forward, appears to be on strengthening our economy. Unless you’ve been reliant on government for easy money or contracts, it’s time to rethink your business model. For those in the industrial sector, like us and our customers, things could be quite advantageous.
We’ve been at the bottom of the totem pole for a long time, but what’s happening now might give us a fighting chance. We’re hopeful for a rise in the manufacturing sector and better markets for our customers, who’ve had a tough few years. They’re surviving, but these haven’t been stellar years. It would be exciting to see a boom in sectors like manufacturing, above-ground and underground mining, giving us a great four-year period.
The Potential of Deregulation
Amidst the focus on tariffs, many overlook what’s possible with deregulation. With fewer regulations, imagine what could be achieved in drilling, mining, and manufacturing. If some of these restrictions are lifted, the potential is enormous. It’s an exciting thought.
Wrapping Up
If you want to hear more about the ferrous markets, stay tuned for “Bulls versus Bears.” We’ve got some good news coming, especially if you’ve got some scrap lying around. It’s about time for some relief in the ferrous markets, and we’re hopeful for some decent results this month.
Check out Bulls versus Bears and let’s make it happen! Have a great week, everyone. Thank you.