Mikey Foon with Admiral Metals

In this episode, Nick talks scrap with Mikey Foon from Admiral Metals in Sterling Heights, MI.


all right everybody I’m here with Mikey foon um how you doing Mike hey how are ya I’m good Nick thank you thank you healthy and happy as happy as can be right yeah absolutely let let everybody know where you’re at and you’re in kind of your back story real quick sure you got it so Mikey foon um we’re in Sterling Heights Michigan which is just north of Detroit we’ve had our yard here for 20 years I’m fourth generation well me and my brother yeah me and my brother run the place over here with my dad the king of all scraps we do ferrous and non-ferrous over here we handle quite a bit of industrial commercial accounts we’ve run a role we run a few roll-off trucks and we have a couple longer trucks um right now we’re closed obviously because of the virus were closed to the public but we’re still servicing some of our commercial and industrial plants that are essential and vital and still generating scrap that need it out of their way yeah that’s awesome I’m you know I’m that’s too bad with the situation having to close the

retail in we’re real fortunate the circumstances over here in Idaho a little different we are able to maintain our yards and keep them open we did briefly apparently close down one of our yards but we brought that staff over here to process some stuff that’s great so I mean our main flow is still just commercial and that is you know very essential we have a ton of accounts that are the food processing equipment food processing just sure the food processing in general we have customers like Costco you know if they can’t get some of their scrap moved you know they would tie up their loading docks you know they would be yeah so and then you still got to process it material still needs to move so you know everyone’s throwing that word is central out there right it really makes you think I got like how many accounts would be affected if all the scrap Harrah’s closed down what would happen right no so I’m real glad to hear you’re still running your commercial side you know the craziest part the craziest part is that what is it one two three four four

of the five steel mills that we sell to are shut down so that’s crazy yeah I’ve heard yeah and you know over here I’d have to ask Brett about more of that on some of the other ones but I know we still have a home for most of our material but yeah that’s kind of crazy like like everyone else and we just want things to survivors to go away things to go back oh yeah we can do being good stewards of helping combat this as best we can yeah it’s gonna take all of us and then you gotta just like every day is kind of a new battle you know on how to attack it you know I mean we’ve still got five guys in the yard working and luckily we have enough bathroom so everybody can have their own private area so that we can try and keep our distance eat as much as possible okay good yeah yeah we’ve we’ve implemented a lot of new procedures in all of our yards too and just trying to keep everybody safe you know and still trying to process and take care of our customers

and just kind of get through all this and all our customers have been super understanding if we got to come a day later or we’re doing something something a little different obviously the pricing has really been affected by this this take time yeah so that’s part of it but in the past when the pricing goes down a lot of the public don’t really understand it right now it’s different you know I don’t everyone understands hey everything in life’s getting affected there is no normal right now no there isn’t and even like the everyone wants it to go back to normal is it gonna be normal or a new normal I don’t know you know yeah what will norm will be will be a whole other side of the coin let me get there yeah well hey thanks for chatting with me and let’s stay in touch during this and I just kind of like to get some perspective from some guys and some scrap cars throughout you know I throughout the country and like really just kind of like talking to our brothers and scrap and just supporting each other you know absolutely thanks

for chatting with me as well and I love connecting with anybody I can and you know me I love to talk about scrap all the time ya know I’m available I love following you on your Instagram and all your social media you know there’s just there’s nothing fun going on right now and you know I like to keep it light and fun obviously I also like I like to keep you know informative and as well but you know I’m not I’m not much of a politician and I try to not read all these stats as much as possible go berserk and you know yeah I gotta I gotta take a break for a minute you gotta keep your mind all right how is your dad doing your dad’s still down in Florida the king son staying away from everybody not everybody I know is healthy and we’re gonna do our best to stay that way same here my mom and dad they they came over but they stayed in their car for the Easter egg hunt just to watch these kids in the front yard we did in the front yard so they could

watch you know but they’re doing their part I mean they’re they’re older so they’re just done being extra careful you can’t be too careful exactly all right well I’ll call you again and here in a week or two or something okay perfect keep in touch buddy thanks thanks thanks Mike