Recycled Idaho – David & Christina Aparicio Owners Ideal Demolition Services

Brett & Nick sit down with David and Christina Aparicio with Ideal Demo. They are able to get some valuable insight to the demolition industry and how important recycling can be.


welcome to recycled Idaho for to recycling industry veterans bread Eckart Nick Snyder’s for Idaho businesses and organizations that are putting in the work to keep Idaho environmentally and economically viable at the same time take a listen to how these entrepreneurs business owners and operators from making things happen in the great state of Idaho in this podcast Nick and I sit down with David and Christina Aparicio the owners of ideal demolition I really enjoy talking these two because they remind me so much of how my family is to operate our business my mom run the finances my dad man is a day-to-day operation take a listen over here and super close to my house so it’s an easy drive this morning why you guys just give us a little bit of background on ideal demo and kind of your guys’s history and how you got into the demo business well realistically we Bend into demo business out of high school since 1985 so that’s what 35 years yeah 35 years we you know graduated from high school and picked up a job yeah no demolition how I think that’s how we started

that can go with this realistically the company started here in Idaho in 2005 it was found in it started by myself and my wife Christina we started out of the watch it was funny because actually we left California which is Southern California in LA we moved here Christina got here 2004 and then I you know I finally got here 2005 we started the business but before we left there I sent out some business cards of ideal demolition we had the insurance we had our license and all that mm-hmm we send I send it out to like 300 contractors throughout the whole state of Idaho yeah and when I got here realistically the second week we got a first month we got a call from a contractor to demolish a farm in Emmet and we took care of that barn from there on I deal with the militias history I mean we just grew and grew and grew and grew how far do you guys travel to to do demo work starting based out of Idaho how far do you realistically like to go prefer to go okay we are licensed to move the

Pacific Northwest we’re trying to get to Utah yet yeah okay your license so there’s special requirement for each state especially we do the fireman a part of it we have to be licensed through the states to which we deal with the hazardous waste the soil recreation contaminant so we deal with the asbestos the lead and mercury yeah there’s a lot of mercury involved light bulbs the old light bulbs and you know we’re gonna take those out before we demolish the building okay yeah each state that’s required to be licensed and it’s certified and all your guys have to be certified to do the work yeah so then each day has its own certification then yes the US and run them through yes there’s no like national certification body it’s all it individually state by state BPA rules realistically oversees the environmental bit but when you go into a state they have their regulations to to follow just like a contractor yeah you got to get your license and all that yeah do they have to re-up those certifications you crew like every year every year they have to reopen it with another class

yeah it’s a refresher okay so let’s say one of the format’s has a super visor certificate for asbestos it expires their birthday I think I can no it goes by their anniversary date and right before the expires you got to make sure that they do a refresher can do those refreshers like if they wanted to do the one for Washington can they do that course here and ID holder they have to go up to Washington to do it docu pants and wash it right now like say or can argue we have to go into Oregon to do that okay to work in order yeah so they can take the class here okay that’s nice so you guys bring up the environmental and you know the part of the biggest component of recycled Idaho and kind of the biggest thing we’re trying to help people understand is recycling is great you know our companies you know I know the recycling recycling center name it’s obviously important to us but one of the biggest things we were trying to let people get their hands and wrapped around is the environment the recycling is great but there’s

an environmental component and an economic component to recycling recycling is not free it cost money and it’s the right thing to do but there’s also a lot of alternative things that you can do to help in the recycling process I think what a lot of people don’t understand about the demolition business is how much recycling is involved when you know when you do a look at a project and you go quote it and when you guys look at a job is that how is the recycling determine is it determined by the owners are determined by you guys I mean how where does the recycling component of a demolition job come into play for ideal demo but realistically it goes back to the experience you have okay if you know if you looked at our house with a venture house and if you look at a commercial building okay residential houses don’t have much recycling okay you can take the two but far off but realistically how much are you gonna get to 2×4 four maybe solid yeah okay it’s gonna cost you more money and labor to remove that 2×4 and go sell it

for 50 cents so realistically the residential side of it it’s not much recycling yeah it’d be going to the industrial and the commercial side of it yes you do have more recycling in it but in order to get that project once again it goes with experience if you get plants on the project blueprints great you know how that building is built but 90% of these projects don’t give you plans yeah so you have to pull back on the experience what can you recycle out of that your project you know let’s say industrial you know you deal with a lot of Tanks you deal with a lot of pipe a lot of copper that all that material gets recycled but in order for a demolition contractor to bid on that project you really have to take your time and walk the job and say okay what could I recycle out of this project 10% of the value of the contract it’s going to be recycled while we remove that 10% in order for us to get that job because it’s very competitive out there trying to work could be 10% weight-wise volume-wise you

know it could be up to 50% of your actual project by the way is getting recycled right but the value might only be 10% on the project run so so so realistically recycling it’s a very very good thing okay but it costs money correctly it depends on what the letter will deliver will go to a will go to a project with a historic value of it if the building will build in you know 1800s this is you know the town or the city or the state you live in they’re gonna wanna you know remodel that building realistically when it comes to the hazardous waste there’s because back in the 1800s you build that structure would probably 100 percent of asbestos yeah well I’m out on removing that asbestos to remove the asbestos and the lid off of that historic building the koftas it costs more to build that structure yeah than to actually do the work of the hazards because the historic building you gonna want to sort of save that out so you’re not gonna be able to knock it down right because that would be quicker the customer wants I think it

will hear their word the word demolition if think of like a wrecking ball is knocking stuff over when there’s so much more to it right there’s a whole environmental component a whole recycling component and there’s a whole economic component like what if the owner of the building is a municipality then they’re gonna call out how they want that job done they’re gonna say we want this one eighty percent recycled or whatever then they have to figure in well we want 80 percent the concrete crushed and rebar taken care of that that cost money right so it’s really the owner who determines we can do what the customer needs correct yeah it’s just what they want to spend on their project and are you able to usually do a walkthrough on a big demo with the owner so you can get goes so you’re comparing apples to apples yes yeah okay yeah definitely usually we get a scope of work no break down exactly what they want done so so like one of the things I know about you guys is family-owned I mean I come from a family-owned business so I understand

like the fun the struggles I know all the components that go in you know I watched my mom and dad you know do it I watched my grandma grandpa do you guys are doing and it’s so it’s like that to me has a you know there’s a lot there that I can appreciate but what do you guys enjoy the most about the demo industry and kind of building this business is there’s what do you guys it’s the big takeaway what do you guys well all of my wife answer that but that’s your wife I to me the demolition business it’s a very unique business okay I mean once again if you’re gonna stay in the Java you like and you’re never gonna retire yeah it’s you’re gonna be giving them like that the projects I mean okay and doing a demolition project every structure is built differently and that can be fun it’s a challenge it’s so I like the challenges of the demolition industry of it okay one day you could just get the hammer and remove drive over the six-foot ladder the next day and you’re climbing you know 168 foot

smoking tower yeah what’s gasoline you know and you’re wondering what the how am i doing up here – you can tell again people enjoy the film they’re right you know well it’s different like you said we get from from a person that’s has their you know somebody’s left them a family home you know we’ve get the the small ones to the large hospitals so there’s so many stories in between of what we get to see in the people we need their story on how they got it what happened here whether it’s an old farm whether it’s a historic school that couldn’t be saved or a school it can be a challenge years and I got quite a few and we will talk about hi-def up here you know here not on what we actually did the talking about being up in the air a hundred and seventy feet we did the old Creamery in Meridian which involved a smokestack was a hundred and seventy feet up in the amount and that was a five acre site with structures so that was a challenging project you think ramana cranes involved realistically we scaffold that tower

you know we scaffold that around on the smokestack all the way to the top because that’s downtown city that’s probably on the Portland Seattle the other project is very very glad we did and my two boys went to Boise State the graduated from police of state nice was a new stadium on our only at the state he was there but we had you know the renovation of the new skybox and the Alameda during all that they put back seven years ago we actually did all the demolition of the structure itself so they could put the new skybox oh it doesn’t live like there’s over there was a lot of demolition to it you know jobs only I mean I’m very happy to do but you know we did a couple of back in California which was actually Anaheim and La Habra in California Anaheim is actually a clever storage structure that we brought down which we imploded oh wow okay and that’s the type of job that you know California cuz it’s huge everything today favorite is big here not everyone will be here in about 20 or more years still alive they’ll be

startling I don’t really new right there’s just the demo part of it is you know it’s nice top yeah I mean it’s old so a lot of our stuff is old stuff because it’s just an older yeah it’s so much smaller like this a lot of structures in California it’s tall it’s five stories high the structure okay which is made out of concrete the entire structure and steel and the way we’re gonna bring that down is by using a ninety five foot reach estimator oh wow yeah I reach high reach yeah so on a job like that we don’t have you know tall things like that traditionally and I how do you do you go look for a rental like I reach on that there’s no reason for you to own it I read your husband will be right to that machine America another state of Utah okay yeah say which makes sense I mean if you were in a middle of a city and you did you would probably own your own high ridge because you’d be using it all the time there I mean I’ve looked at those high reaches and just

the sticks and the booms on them I mean they want a pretty penny up if you want about cheap is that your biggest I mean you know we have a question here about you know your biggest long-term how have you built your business from a card table in a basement courier house to what it is today because when you walk around here I mean you guys get it right walk through this building I mean it’s nice when you go with your equipment it goes if you’re doing it the right way and because you set yourself up to me for the long run you’re not just trying to nickel and dime jobs to make a little bit of money in with some grand exit plan tomorrow letting that walk through Mercy’s the other day those excavators you own though and then that attachment on one of them you’re breaking up that concrete get the rebar out do you own those attachments what is your like what is the long term my goals of me do you guys have long term goals as far as what you want to see once again if you like

your job you’re gonna stick with it until you die yeah and that’s what I’m gonna do you know being a Demolition Man generation is what’s my son’s my two sons are involved and my daughters involved in the office my wife take care my wife needs carry the entire staff of the office but going back to the feature once again if you run a company and if you take care of what you have in the company that means for a copier to an escalator mm-hmm that piece of equipments gonna take care of you yep okay if we do the maintenance on it like it should be it’s gonna take care of it our goal for the company is to keep growing and become one of the biggest you know the country realistically it’s what I would yeah you know that’s that’s my goal here in Idaho itself you know we’ve got a piece of land in eastern Idaho mmm I’m hoping here in the next couple years we opened up a satellite office in these dramatic Eastern not ours crying get it okay yeah that’s what we’re gonna go going into other states that’s

the future okay that ideal demolitions in the do you guys two sons and a daughter they’re gonna help make that with you sounds like yes which is awesome because the hardest thing was you want to grow or when my dad has asked me when we were trying to grow our recycling business he’s like that’s great bread like I want to go to he goes I find the people and so if you have the next generation in there there they love it as much as you love it then that’s where you can really see you know the grown is you have people that you trust that have the same passion for the business I may want to help push it out so yeah once again it goes back to your kids you know we have to be able you know hopefully they stick with us but the company is not gonna grow and it’s not gonna do good if you don’t have the right workforce to do it grant in order to get the right workforce my the way I run my business is you’re not an off to that okay I guess you go

out to the jobs and you say hey this is what needs to be done but before you actually get off here you know before you start saying stuff like that you gotta say good morning first yeah you know a good morning and hey how’s the family of things and yeah you know you there as a friend you know there is a boss and then you start getting with the scope of work of what’s gonna be done that day where we’re gonna be at and believe me that was love ways the human element is a human element that we don’t have a respect for you gotta care about your people exactly whatever the job is you know it’s not gonna show up to work but the guys that did show up and give you a hundred percent it because they want to be here yeah and you’re a good boss you know having a job that we’re gonna do a true that job them knowing that he would do the same thing you know yeah even if you do it I would do it also exactly you can you can walk in tomorrow somebody could

walk in Idaho tomorrow with ten million dollars in their bank account and they could buy all new next debaters and all new trucks and and go out but you could have the best equipment the world but if you know how to people to run it but if you don’t treat your people right it you don’t you know take care of them then it does that does you no good because a they won’t take care of your equipment B they won’t take care of your company you know you guys understand that man and that’s how you grow from a card table in your house to the facility and the business and the what you guys have today so I mean go back to the same you know they go back to the way you were treated you know since I’ve been in the demolition business like it’s at 35 years and I only been through three companies and I remember cause treated yeah okay and when I told myself if I ever get a company started myself you know I’m gonna make sure how they treated me is not the way I’m gonna treat my

workers yeah and that’s exactly what I do that’s awesome and you took down learn because it’s experience and you’ve been there and done that and and most of my work wow I hate to say my workers it’s the stuff yeah okay they see me out there you know operating the skid steer or excavator they see me out there with the broom sweeping the areas that we need to sweep and then look at the boss and say wow you know he’s doing it too so it’s not just that you know I came out of college people come out of college is all I have vaping all degree you know it doesn’t work again okay yeah you’re probably explaining that to your kids right because when we go to the job site and we see Dave jr. you see your boy there and run the crew and doing that I mean he went to college he graduated from Boise State but still aren’t I learning Miami until you put yourself in those people choose it’s hard to tell right dad that respect for that person whether he’s just the guy that pushes the broom or the

guy that runs the escalator you have respect for them yeah yes they do there’s still a value to us I mean they need to feel they’re a value whether they push the rumor and Romney Escovedo they’re about you and I started on Monday two days after I graduated and my dad said beat the guy that opens the gates and be the guy that closed the Killington there’s everything in between he goes yeah it’s gonna take time with the respect you because they know that you’re there for them you’re there after them and it took a while but eventually if you like okay like you’re you’re here for the long haul and you’re not just here just to try and get a paycheck that’s it you know paycheck could come and go so yeah it’s very hard you know people ask me you got the easy work in my answer to that is if it was easy everybody would be doing it yeah mm-hmm and I won’t get I know I’m getting naturally they realize there’s just so much to the backend of owning a business yeah I don’t care if it’s a demolition

business right pull back in beckon to it a lot of people would have a hard time kind of understand and that’s what we’re talking about you know with the recycling this kids there’s a whole back-end component of the recycling business there’s a lot of people don’t discuss and that’s the cost of recycling if you demoed a house you could recycle 80% of it but it would be really expensive to demo our house you could pull all the two-by-fours and try and reuse them and try and resell them but it’s gonna what 10 times 20 times the cost to demo and I think that that people have to understand that recycling is great and as if the world turns and we get more efficient about doing it then there’s gonna be you know a lot more opportunity and there’s gonna be a lot more value there but that takes time as well oh yeah time is what we have yeah for sure so give me you know that both of you give me one or two people it’s like been super influential and your guys’s career and wanting to start the company

or you know do what you do today personal or professional there’s two people in my life okay realistically what really is three people you know I could talk about my dad you know my dad was never in the demolition business but he did push me and say get to work you know that’s my debts there and I love them you know but the other person was my wife realistically if you don’t have I’m a partner behind you a hundred percent mm-hmm okay it’s gonna be tough mm-hmm I’ll tell you that right now yeah let’s go good job cuz you cannot do it by yourself and that dick I have the same question to you yeah because I think your mom is involved right but it’s the same don’t stab two people and my mom was along the backend making sure that the mad accent is that that’s all things are here you know it’s taken two of us besides all the staff that we have but realistically we look at it without myself and my partner here there won’t be an ideal divorce well you’re only as strong as the person next

to you man and that goes with the house you know the other person that I would do want to mention is I met this person back in 1994 his name is Robert Hall and Robert Hall of generations of a demolition contractor if Dad did it his grandfather did it so he come through generations they made demolition contractor he actually took over the company that I was working for and he’s the one that really taught me the demolition business of it okay okay by learning with Robert Hall on the estimating part of it and treating your people and and the equipment and the jobs and overall business Robert Hall was a big influence to me awesome he was my mentor of that the man still alive you know he’s he’s a little old now but I tell you what talking about stories about how to bring down you know 20 story structures I mean demolition did he encourage you to go start your own business or it’s funny he doesn’t the way I’m running to my business right now is answer it’s more they come right the way he ran to business okay dear friend

okay okay don’t be a boss yeah okay and I remember him telling me if you teach them okay teach him how to do the work and teach them how to I have to make the problem of the project and you know and and that’s the way I’m going to say right now is if somebody comes into my company and I’m teaching them and two years later they they left they’re gonna leave I will shake their hand and say thank you very much yeah I was here to teach you and you learn from me not even take that and you’re gonna take it somewhere else yeah and that’s the way I operate and that’s why he operated too when I left California I actually went to him I said I’m leaving and he looked at me and said good yeah because he realized you had like you said what you needed his bill dispossessed and now you were he did not say that said he said I’m glad I’m glad you do because he could probably see that you have the desire and the drive to go do it now we’re going to see how

a real man yeah and I’m gonna buy two drugs I wanted to buy to David and you know I think that’s you know the way we we like to operate you know our business as well do you have to have those checks like so now you could buy everything just like he shared an office with my mom for 20 years so I know it was smart for me to put myself back to 100% so I’m closing questions anything no I think I mean everything was great I mean really the best thing to close with is how do people get hold you guys like how does people reach out to you is it social media email or all the above all of the events HTC’s one of them’s HEC that runs through to stick of Idaho Oregon and Washington the Association to Chicago yes yes that’s correct contractors that’s one of you know one of the area’s the other the social media corn everybody knows Facebook you guys do yes or play no phone pick up the phone and call pick up the phone and give us a call that’s the best way well then

you guys are sitting down those appreciate it we appreciate it thank you for listening to another episode of recycled Idaho and as we continue the journey across this great state we look forward to bringing you more stories of people and organizations putting in the work to do the right thing