Recycled Idaho | JT Cunnington of Drill Pro | Episode 1 | January

On this episode of Recycled Idaho, Nick sits down with JT Cunnington of Drill Pro to discuss the in's and out's of manufacturing drilling equipment for mines as well as the history of Drill Pro.


all right I got JT in the hot seat over at recycled Idaho we’re going to talk about drill Pro we’re going to talk about you we’re talking about how everything got going so introduce yourself to all our listeners we did a boots on the ground what in the summer yeah we’ve been trying to get to the follow-up to sit down version it’s been a while and here it is uh you’re our first group that is in the mining community so I got a lot of questions but I want to hear I want you to introduce yourself real quick um my name is JT cunnington I’m the manager of drill Pro drill Pro’s been established since 1988 we’re in the Boise area we moved locations in about 2009 10 to a Napa location uh we were there for about four years shut down shop reopened and Caldwell and the Nampa was the one I’ve been to yes yeah so Interstate trailers ended up buying that building from us and then uh we were going to be basically shut down for good but uh all right customers we’ll get there though I want to start

your dad your dad bill yeah did he start the company yeah my dad uh Bill he started the company in 1988 he had a business partner um business partner left in 89 and he started making I believe some sort of cylinders for the drill rigs the old drill rigs that used to have the feet that come out so he would do those and then all of a sudden it turned into like well can you do this part can you do this part and then became just everything from the top of the header drill all the way to the deck table of the drill so drill Steels Subs deck bushings uh deck tables slide Forks Carousel cups bit baskets so so he started with one cup what component was it it was like a cylinder I don’t I can’t remember what they were exactly but because we never made them when I was there okay uh is that like old Tech is that yeah it’s something that they yeah they basically kind of scrapped out those old kind of drills okay and he started did he start there because he had an opportunity to do

that for someone and then it turned and then it slowly turned into these other things yeah so she needed he was a engineer for Ingersoll Rand for about five six years he did not like how Ingersoll was running their business because it was a lot of play not enough work and what did they do uh English Soul ran oh they did everything they did a lot of the mining stuff from uh building drills and all this kind of stuff to I mean anything that they’re building their manufacturing yeah and then they also do compressors yeah and they’re still very big I mean you’ll be driving around you see Ingersoll Rand just trailer parts just flying down the street so did they have a present here like a manufacturing presence no no no no no no no no no no no no for sure where was your dad at when he worked with them well I think they were in Pennsylvania and they were just flying them around wherever so I mean he was going to different countries working on whatever drills that they had and uh he was working around in the Nevada gold

mines and basically a lot of these miners were just like Hey we’re not getting the support we’re not getting these things done if you say you can do this we will and he had like 12 customers and 12 mines that were like we will just buy from you if you can because how do you say the company you work for in Ingersoll around Ingersoll Rand they they couldn’t handle what they were asking they didn’t support that and then your dad kind of saw opportunity well it wasn’t that they didn’t support it but it was just slow it was slow and so like yeah they’re too big for their own good they can’t get out of their way like we talk about that a lot on this show like there’s a it’s nice to grow and it’s awesome but you gotta find there’s like that Tipping Point where you just get too big where you’re like it’s got to get approved by 10 managers and then it takes two weeks like we’re still at a point like our companies it takes one phone call you know all right let’s do it yeah you don’t get

it done we’re Nimble and are you guys seem that way too and that’s how we are like a lot of these customers like if they need emergency things like I I get it done with it as fast as I can where if you go to like these bigger companies like and Alice Copco a cat and all this stuff like they could be have a lead time of three to six months and they’re like we don’t have that long to wait we have to get going now yeah because time is money yeah you can’t be down that long especially for drilling it’s just it’s time it’s money every hour is a hundreds of thousand dollars because they’re not moving dirt they’re not moving dirt they’re not getting enough stuff to process and it’s just a that’s a pain in the butt for them because even for us when we when we have a machine go down our Baylor or anything in our Pro like that costs a lot of money I can only imagine like a gold mine yeah like that’s like 6X times it’s crazy um 1988 what year were you born 86. okay

so you were around before the before he started it yeah where were we where were you born I wasn’t born in Boise yeah okay I’ve never lived anywhere yeah never left Idaho okay so I never seen it was the rest of the world uh my dad from my understanding yes I mean he my grandfather was in the military so he kind of had to move around he did move around I think a little bit but not so much because it was in the National Guard but my dad did do a lot of ranching he’d Ranch in Montana for the tiffins ranch okay and then uh he was out in the Weezer so he ranched in Weezer so and then he ended up getting into a Mill corrugators so the stuff that crushes out flour and wheat and all that stuff making a powder and then he ended up getting a job with anger someone ran and then he started drill Pro gotcha he had an engineering degree no you just learned on the job that’s awesome that’s the best way and you don’t you don’t see that with those types of jobs no nowadays

and you but you are seeing a shift like I talked to a lot of people and I like to talk to school it’s like you see like their attendance is down you know and there’s always going to be a need for universities but but what degrees are they getting that’s if you need like say you’re going there to be a doctor or like a lawyer or a doctor engineer computer programmers like you have to get out I agree I get it I get those like but if you’re going just to make your parents happy like you’re doing something wrong and I think a lot of kids like our generation probably did that okay they went to because that’s what you did well most of them failed out of school and or didn’t even go to classes and they party most of the time that’s what I did yeah I went I thought that’s what I should do and I just hated it like I I hated it like I I liked working yeah I’d rather be on a roofs back then I’d rather be Roofing a house than sitting in a closet I don’t

know what I wanted to do I was 19. I wanted to well not drink beer that was the same thing so I graduated in 2004 and then right after school I just started working for my dad I was going to school part-time but I was like I don’t know what I want to do in school and so it’s like I picked the easiest degree I could think about getting and it was just like business Communications and because you just see the class schedule and you’re the class schedule is just like nonsense stuff it’s like nothing that really put any real value you know to what I would thought and that made the labor force you know what most people do after they get a degree in communication they go to the NFL right yeah that’s probably true that’s what easy is business degree I don’t have a degree so I’m just joking kudos to everyone that went out there and got through it and did it but I do see a big shift where trades are more respected trade schools are more respected and just like like me like I don’t care if

you have a degree I give an apartment or a marketing department I don’t care I care if you have the drive you want to learn and that’s what matters to our culture and it seems like a lot of companies like ours and yours have that same kind of culture going on there like we just want someone that we could teach that’s going to come to work they don’t have to be the best all the time but give it your best effort and that’s all I need oh yeah I I’ve recycled through a lot of employees I mean find someone who’s actually just dedicated and showing up you know for a 40-hour work week is it’s not as easy as it sounds and everyone’s just like well you know you can pay as much as you know you want a good employee you pay them high dollar and it’s like well as soon as they come and apply and they tell me that they can do this and this and this and I set them up on a machine or a welder they can’t do anything they’re like well I have certifications in this

but like actual work experience it’s very rare most of these guys that I end up hiring they’re like in their late 40s and that’s where they have the real work experience but young kids like even my age or even a little bit younger they have no work experience so they have no work ethic that’s one of the hardest things to find somebody with work ethic they’re still out there and they’re they’re harder to find out and but a lot of these guys who have the work ethic they start their own stuff yeah that’s true so there’s some people that don’t want that headache and and I um it always cracks me up because a lot of people bitching about the work ethic of this generation the people a lot of people bitching about it are the people that raise this generation oh yeah so it’s like it’s kind of like a yeah you raised them yeah Society I don’t like combination of factors but I’ve noticed already a kind of a shift like some people that are willing to hustle they see the opportunity because nine out of 10 of their peers aren’t willing

to hustle so that one out of ten they’re gonna have so much more opportunity and you’re gonna oh yes and then the generate Next Generation coming up I I talked to a lot of schools I see a lot of these kids I have a firm belief that this next generation is going to have a whole lot of hustle about them just because the prior one didn’t really I think it kind of works in steps oh no I could be wrong I could it could get progressively worse I think too it just depends on like how they teach them in schools if they’re going to school um I think a lot of the stuff the schools teach in this day and age there’s a lot of nonsense in them they don’t teach them about finances so like how to buy a house they never did though yeah they never have I don’t know but even they don’t remember any of that but they they gave them a lot of classes that just seemed like it’s a waste of time and it’s like wouldn’t you rather just these kids go to school for four hours and

get you know real world like experiences and common knowledge of uh I mean obviously you got your Basics reading Friday you got history and then they need to be learning about finances and how to budget I think they should be required yeah financing like how to budget your money yeah because that’s multiple classes of that like how many people you know like when I went to school I was in calculus I’ve never used calculus and I have forgot everything I didn’t I wasn’t smart enough so obviously yeah but uh I didn’t do very well on calculus but you made it yeah that’s good I don’t know why but um and I can only speak to my daughter’s school she’s a junior in high school it kind of goes back to like when you went to college you took the easiest classes yeah because you because that’s what you want you wanted the easiest degree less headaches my daughter I have no I should take zero Credit in this that she she is a great student and she’s awesome but she takes drafting small engine repair and she’s probably gonna go to PSE to be

an engineer and she but and and she’s gonna graduate high school with her and Associates which is that’s pretty cool it’s awesome so the opportunities are there um but I see both sides of it because I’ve heard of other schools that don’t have those same type of offers you know it’s just crazy I’m just speaking to Ridgeview so shout out to the teachers over at Ridgeview High School and I I go to all her parent-teacher conferences I talk to them and and I tell her this because she’s still a teenager she always has those couple teachers that she says are out together oh I know so and so like just is how to get me blah blah blah and I’m like I’m like first of all they’re probably not right second of all this is one thing I think those are the hormones just taking place you’re just mean to me and I didn’t think of this until I was a parent um I tell her like you’re going to have a lot of jobs where you think your supervisor or the owner or the manager like is a dumbass or you’re not

as or they’re not as far as either probably no more than you and you but you might and you also might be right at the same time I said but when you’re in that class or you’re at that job you you need to listen to them you have to figure out how to make that work so I do think there’s a lot of value of like even if the teacher’s not the greatest but you know what you need to figure out how to make it work with them hey you know teacher how do I get my grade up how do I do this how do I do this you know and those are skills that I think get lost on a lot of kids because parents are more apt to blame the teacher oh right they’ll be like hey why is my kid got an F I’m like well you need to figure it out with that teacher so I think that’s a combination I agree with you I think too it’s like especially when they get up to the junior like senior years like developing Communications with you know your peers or your

others that’s like a big way to problem solved so if you’re not doing good in class or whatever you should be able to talk to the teacher instead of just being like uh teachers mean teacher’s a dick and that’s what it is I just teach you the same skills with getting into a job profession or a career it’s like you’re not going to agree with everybody and I’ve had that with many employees where they just don’t get along I’m like we’ll figure out well how you guys can work together instead of me just being like you guys both want me to fire each other and it’s like this guy’s not doing this and then they come back this guy’s doing this or this guy’s not doing this and he’s lazy and I’m like well go talk to him like figure it out that’s a big that’s a skill a lot of people lack I’ve noticed especially some of the younger generation you know but lucky for me I’m just big so as soon as I get out they just like oh yeah yeah they’re like Americans work oh act busy I’m scrubbing down just

a saw what are you doing cut something on it don’t scrub it so let’s get back into it into drill Pro okay your dad started it when did he move to the the Nampa location off of uh was that off of um so he moved what roadside on well he built that building um so he let’s see what was it it was like 2007-8 so that’s when we had that big economic crash yeah right and so what the situation with that was um we were doing a lot of business we were outgrowing the location we were at and in your first location was where it was in Garden City up in the Box yeah I think it was in off of 39th Street right behind the Golden Walk okay yeah so um so we moved from there and he built a location and we were there because we were doing tons of business with uh Walter energy mine uh there was the Wolverine they were mining coal because I remember when I first met you guys were we were doing a lot of coal yeah so we bad situation with that was we

were so busy with the coal mines we kind of let go of a lot of Nevada mines and we had some cells in Nevada mines are gold right mostly yeah okay mostly yeah I mean they well yeah I would say probably 90 of all of them are gold gold yeah okay if not more um so when we were there uh uh I mean we were doing great we were doing a lot of work out of that shop and then uh was the 2013 uh the coal economy crashed China was renegotiating prices with Canada and essentially things did not work out between them there was a lot of Chinese workers up in the Walter energy mine and basically the mind kind of shut down and sent all their workers back on a coal boat back to China from my understanding where were they at they were up in uh like where are they mining called where were they cool we’re trying to think of where I can’t remember what the town was I would stay no it was Canada I think it was British Columbia Canada yeah so they’re near the coast oh even up

to the north on the very North they’re up there yeah it’s we’re close yeah close to Santa okay yeah yeah they’re in the cold cold yeah yeah it ain’t no fun to go up there from yeah we’re ready to go up there no no I had no desire to go up there I don’t like the cold that much but yeah Bill did he went up there plenty of times uh he helped uh get all their drills all set up and fine-tune them so that they’re just operating at Max so bill would even go like yeah through that level of service yeah we still do that now like we got to go to uh uh the key with mine and um Soda Springs and we’re going to revamp their drill from going from uh let’s see they want to go from 75h drill steel down to five and a half so what are they mining up there uh sulfur oh okay what do we use sulfur for all sorts of all sorts of stuff everything it’s not it’s like not just one specific thing yeah it’s not like just gold you’re just making gold

and putting in electronics yeah sulfur goes into quite a bit of different stuff so uh when we’re at Thompson Creek that was a Molly mine uh I mean Molly goes in the Meadows yep right yep and that goes into everything as well so that stuff’s worth a lot of money yeah it is but it used to be um it still has some high points and low points they’re talking about reopening that mind and minding the back end of the mountain and they just got to work out the details with the forest service and the government and 316 stainless Molly it’s got wow I think three to six percent Molly and it helps give it 360s worth more than your typical 304 stainless yeah so that’s the only time that I ever dealt with really deal with it well you’re probably dealing with that right now or not yeah Molly’s in a lot of different stuff so I mean if it’s there’s metal that’s probably a problem why it is is it does it heat resistant properties I’m not really sure how to look that yeah dude I’m a drill steel maker yeah yeah and

then you give me the reports of what’s going into so yeah so I’m not not super sure what all that stuff is the same thing with like you know they they mine silver and nickel and I mean a lot of that stuff used to be in coins and all that stuff but it goes into everything oh yeah all sorts of stuff Silvers and copper coppers and everything we need more copper yeah Arizona is huge for copper mines so I think New Mexico too so have you worked with all these different types of mines in a roundabout way yeah because we have provided uh like drill Steels and subs and different kind of things for them to drill the stuff so I mean usually if a copper mine like uh I think it’s called Del Arco out of uh Arizona we were we built some drill seals and stuff for them okay um a lot of these mines every so often they’ll switch vendors so they’re probably using a different guy right now so nature of the oil business yeah yeah that’s what it is it’s very rare it’s pretty rare to keep one mind

to itself we’ve been lucky with uh the silver standard Marigold mine Ken Ross ball Mountain luckily we’ve been a really good help for them and provider and they kind of stayed loyal and kept buying from us so even when we shut down they were one of us that they wanted us to get back and going so okay cool so are is a copper mine a coal mine a gold mine are they all using the same type of equipment or is it all different oh yeah this is in real similar equipment most of them depends on the terrain yeah I mean at the end of the day like everything that’s a um down the whole mine or a surface pit mine it’s all drone blast so I mean they still got to use the drill Steels to go down x amount of feet and they set their charges they blast and they come in with the shovels on their buckets and they just load them up take them to the Crushers either The Crushers and then they go to the processing plant is there any truth to the movie Armageddon I have never sold a

drill still to someone who’s going to go drill a rock in space so you’re not sure I mean at the grand scheme of things like whenever you saw it I mean yeah they’re using drill drill pipe they have to go down x amount of feet yeah and they’re using it looked like they had uh rotary drill bits so okay yeah and from my understanding I kind of remember there was some rotor it has some rotary trichome bits and they had some big ones so I mean possibility of us doing that with that yeah I mean I don’t think that they had enough there’s the quantity of like trichomes that mines by to do holes so on average like depending on what mine so if you got a good ground it’s kind of soft ground you can get about four thousand maybe up to ten thousand feet in one trying cone then you have to just switch up but then you get abrasive grounds and you know they can get it like two thousand four thousand feet yeah it’s like just real hard ground and there’s definitely rocks and all that stuff so like for

them to drill I think those guys were getting like just barely any footage out of one but the amount of trichomes that they would need for what they were trying to do like they’d probably need of like 50 spaceships to carry them for it to get through that rock so armageddon’s it’s not but this is a sad movie at the end right poor Bruce Bruce man yeah I love Bruce a little tear jerker right there um if you haven’t seen Armageddon check it out check out the drill and if we ever have a meteor hurling at us he might be I won’t they’ll probably ask Bill maybe he’ll just yell at him tell him they’re all stupid so let me do it I could do that yeah so a big like kind of a Hot Topic for a while was coal mm-hmm they’re saying it’s not good for the environment kind of like nah but I I’ve read on the contrary you know yeah but I think you hear that narrative well I think a lot of the truth to it that coal is bad for the planet yeah well because like you

still gotta get energy any way you’re gonna get energy coal is the most some natural fuel some coal oil is the easiest to produce and it’s the cheapest way to make energy so is it terrible for the planets well yeah anything that you use and you burn it goes creates gases in there and it causes what where you put up nuclear power plants yeah which they say is bad but it’s most cleanest burning energy there is where you build uh hundreds of miles of what went windmills and then when those go bad where do you bury them but like coal there are coal plants especially in like Colorado that burn such Clean Coal you don’t even see the smoke that’s what I’ve heard so that’s what I’ve read I’ve heard like if you do it right you can burn it like Yeah clean clean it’s not gonna be 100 there’s dirty coal out there so like you go to like India and China like they buy cheap burning fuel coal which has a lot more of the you know so bad gas that comes up into the air but I’m not like a degree

in any of this stuff but but you know more info than it yeah but I mean but the common like the reality of what we do and I mean for like them using coal and all of our energies and systems and sectors it’s like it’s it’s a good source of fuel at a cheap cost and it’s something that you can get around worldwide to people even today I mean they still got it’s better to burn coal in my opinion than burden wood and you know of course done yeah and it’s like that stuff causes a lot of problems but I the whole battle over coal and oil it’s like I don’t think our world or our economy is ready to switch over completely over there and if they’re going to like switch over to all these battery operated cars and get rid of diesel trucks and gas running Vehicles they need to have a better plan than just like well let’s shut everything down in five years five ten years let’s just switch over it’s not that easy no it’ll never be that easy like arguing one way or the other my whole argument

is it’s always more into the store well look up how much look up a lithium mine and see what that looks like oh it’s luckily we do have one of the biggest lithium mines and that’s being the Blackbird mine which is up by salmon but yeah I’ve heard that you go to go to Africa and look up there lithium mines and how they’re just produce yeah we’ll see how they’re digging them they just got yeah hundreds of thousand people sitting there chipping away at rocks look at those living conditions especially if there’s a slight how many of those people are going to be dead yeah so it’s not exactly like you know we’ve figured out how to drill for coal and how to drill for oil and we need all these these materials we need all these minerals we need all this stuff for our economies to work like we need it and we call it in our recycling world we call that above ground materials and Below materials like once they’re above ground if we can keep them in the Stream that’s where like that’s what we do yeah you know but that

we also need both we need you to get more as we build especially if we’re going to really go to like electric we’re going to need a lot more copper a lot more copper oh yeah we need a lot more lithium we need a lot more silver we’re gonna need a lot more gold we’re gonna need a lot more all of it to make that happen and that’s like a 20 30 40 50 year process and they’re also going to have to figure out how to keep those batteries going especially when it gets cold like over there now they might figure that out or maybe they’ll go back to gasoline well the craziest thing about us is like technology we are very good at technology just so a group of people it’s just we’re very keen on how to make things better and even now I mean like a computer like a new computer compared to a two-year-old’s computers like decades ahead it’s crazy yeah so I mean we’ll figure it all out it’s just the whole political nonsense of we got to stop everything now or the world’s going to burn

up in 10 15 years it’s like you guys are you guys are pushing your own little Politics on that so that you guys can benefit from this clean energy it’s all about money though and it’s unfortunate sometimes Paul a lot of times politics and money get involved where you know the public doesn’t get the full truth no and I don’t know the answers I’m just saying like no don’t just listen to everything you say on TV you know well it’s a little hard to go buy a 100 000 Tesla when you can buy a forty thousand dollar Goss rig too it’s a little easier on the pocket yeah the gas rate yeah 100 so until they get these cars down to you know forty thirty thousand dollars brand new I think people are still going to be fine with the Petro in that car for a long time yeah I don’t I don’t see the lecture going away I don’t see gasoline ones going away yeah not anytime soon maybe in 100 years maybe more electric but there’s still going to be needs for the diesel and the gas and all that stuff for

what we do like when I go to our twin yard or Heyburn yard I couldn’t take an electric car because I couldn’t get home no I could go there and I like to come home at night even if they add little gas or a little charging stations how long is it going to take you every station those trips could take a long time so I’m like that would really suck like yeah I like to even though it’s a long day I like to come home I don’t want to have to stay in a hotel and charge it right and so there’s and I’m not the only one in that that situation are there people that could totally use them if they could afford it yeah I’m sure I’m sure it’s sustainable you know but there I know there’s places with free charging air stations there ain’t nothing free in this world no just so someone’s paying for it if it’s not you you’re probably paying for it somehow but oh yeah yeah so after it’s free for the most world so you guys shut the doors I did get a silver coin for free

today though I was like sweet what do you get it from a guy at work um Scott gave me those silver coin he was like you’ve been asking about silver coins like yeah that uh that’s cool man yeah that’s really cool all right well I guess I I take it back you can get some something for free once in a while so I was like you said you shut the doors and was that 14 15 so yeah so we shut the doors down and then like I said when we were just getting bills getting calls day and night and who’s getting calls at three o’clock in the morning like Hey we’re down we really need something I’m sure you can’t like figure out how to get us this stuff only one more time yeah and so uh you just called me up I was just doing some personal training at the time and he’s like you want to go back in business I was like well yeah did you guys open your own gym no I didn’t know I was just doing some personal training on the side okay and then uh we just

restarted back up what year is this though that was 2016. about I think we uh yeah we got we got we got a new building in October and we ordered all some a couple or a handful of machines so and we yeah so then we were up and going around December we got our machines in so then we were getting the materials in and I called all my old suppliers and was like Hey we’re restarting business you guys come back and work with us and kind of do the same deals that we did before and they said yep you guys were you guys are still good did you retain everyone there’s no way you’re retaining everyone right all the old customers yeah no no no no no no no no no yeah so yeah we did we did get a handful yeah the only way we were going to do that is we were going to make sure that you know these customers were for sure that they were going to come back with us or there’s no chance that this was going to happen so yeah they all said yeah if you come

back they told Bill you come back we’re going to work with you again strictly so that was really good for us uh so 2016 our 2017 was a good year uh we ended up losing a couple of customers in 2017 because we just are you know an office guy who forgot to put bids in so we lost some and so in 2007 or yeah so 2018 we were kind of like what did we do a very kind of a little slow missing some me and Bill were uh not taking paychecks once in a while and then 2019 came around we started picking up more picking up some other customers um our name was getting back out there that we were back in business and then 2020 it just kind of exploded from there and we just been swamped since that’s awesome man so you guys took you guys closed for a year and you got back at it yeah well we were close for about nine months I remember when you called me I just couldn’t remember yeah so two thousand the end of December of 2015 we had an auction we lost our

butt on the auction just nobody wanted to buy anything and we had a lot of dinosaurs I mean we had a we had a machine called killer that came off of uh I think the USS Arizona before it left to Hawaii before it was it was a machine that they were making uh uh man we’re guns were they they’re making the the big long uh uh like for the USS Arizona they’re making the the gun gun cannons well there you go yeah battleships yeah so but they wanted to go bigger so they ended up getting rid of that machine and somehow however Bill did it he ended up getting that one you guys scrapped it you remember that long green one yeah I do yeah scrapped history dude it hurts my heart a little bit scrapped American history right there I didn’t know I was not aware of that Jay was the one he’s like Jay was there he was like we’ll cut this up and I was like yeah this guy cut all that out of there right um so we yeah so I mean a lot of that stuff just went to

scrap and we ended up selling some stuff to some local guys and then I went to that auction yeah it didn’t go good no well the guy who ran the auction the online portion just was not working the guys were like hey I’m buying this and then people were just sitting there at the auction were just buying everything for peanuts for scrap yep so but you guys actually helped us out I think you guys gave us a way better prize because I think you felt sorry for us crying and I was crying but the reality of it is this like when we get it like you said we cut it up yeah but I sold it for you know 100 G’s to dismissal all right Smithsonian or something you know then I’m like hey there’s an extra 10 grand yeah right thank you but that’s where I tell people like people like we get so much we do get a lot of cool stuff man but we have to move on yeah move on or we would have a yard full of stuff right antiques well I’m glad you guys are up and running

um you’ve been a great customer of ours we appreciate it um the stuff we recycle for you I’d like to just get in that real quick like what comes off of your production that gets recycled so like a lot of the stuff so we machine uh 40 well everything from like 10 26 mild steel uh 4140 anneal and 4140 uh hdqt which is clinch and tempered so Hardin 4140 and then 4145 modified which is kind of like the materials they use in um the oil field and so obviously you’re making a lot of machine chips then there’s the pipes that we use the chips are coming from you machine yeah churning and churning and threading okay yeah so uh there’s those and then uh usually too it’s like a lot of these mines will send us their materials back to see if we can rebuild them or fix them up and then there’s just some of them there’s just like these are you able to fix them a lot though and send them back or or do they just get Scrappy yeah it just really depends if they’re uh productive at measuring before they

send like yeah I’ve gotten guys who will send me uh like a just a truckload of scrap and it’s like dude like this is unless you plan on going down to a smaller like drill steel size instead of going from like five and a half now you guys want to run five inch there’s no way I can fix this so if it’s usually about you know five and three eighths from five and a half then I can I can fix it yeah I mean we don’t really rebuild the pipins we’ll just make the new ends and put them on there now they really want to use like five inch OD with five and a half uh two joint ends then I mean that’s an option but that’s very rare and that that actually never really ever happens but it but it does happen once in a while so but the pipe we send you guys I mean a lot of that is just scrap ends or we cut parts off that we no longer were able to use or they’re just too small so throw them in the preferred bin and there you go

so one last thing what is your word of advice for the younger generation it’s trying to get into the workforce that maybe doesn’t want to go to college what kind of advice would you give that person oh boy uh find something you’re good at find something that you like find something that you see yourself that you can end up taking what you’re doing and what you’re learning and start your own business and don’t cut out bad people find people who are like-minded as you do not fall down on a pit of like depression Despair and always make sure that you know that as long as you keep working towards the goal you got things are going to look out and invest in smart things like silver coins there you go we’re working out we’re working out yeah that’s a healthy thing for you I think about it find healthy find healthy habits and don’t waste all your money on lots of stupid stuff like persons watches and all that kind of stuff and put your money into actually stuff that’s going to create value so like assets land uh silver gold commodity Commodities

and you know it’s cool to have nice trucks and nice cars but they all come with a price tag and then the insurance Price tags on that and as soon as you can buy a home when the Market’s down yeah and interests are hello yeah it’s hard right now don’t give the bank all your money well well I appreciate you man yeah thanks for having me on thanks