Talkin Scrap #5: Changes in the Industry

Nick and all the guest speakers discuss what kind of changes they are anticipating in the industry.


join us every friday on clubhouse where we will be talking scrap with industry vets nationwide we’ll kick it off and when everyone else is like i know how it is with everyone’s schedule it’s you know sometimes it’s hard to jump on sometimes it isn’t so you know i i understand that and i got no problem with if people can make it one week and not another week it’s not a issue that’s kind of the beauty of this thing too we can change out have different speakers from throughout the country and really kind of build a community um and you know it’s still kind of ground floor so we’ll just kind of keep chipping away at it but yeah i mean on your your hand what what do you see john what changes are you seeing well the changes you know the the changes forget about market changes i think i am thinking about this all morning as i was um the changes that we’re facing first and foremost is there seems to be an incredibly shallow workforce availability okay and we you know in this industry you were always able to get laborers and

you know get them on the change to me is getting laborers in but back to safety see you have a pre-work of physical and you have to pass a drug screening because our our clients demand we have a strict zero tolerance drug program drug testing program yeah so as i’ve been thinking about the subject the changes in the industry is that the the amount of personnel that you can really attract that is capable of passing the screening has shrunk dramatically dramatically and i think that’s a change that’s affecting all of us uh across this country who have scrap metal operations or any form of recycling facilities if you have a drug program that’s zero tolerance drug program and you’re uh doing the screening it’s really hard because you know it’s hard to hire anybody anyway and now find somebody who’s willing to work that it’s clean that even shrinks your pool even more i think that’s a big change in our industry yeah that’s a good point hey how’s everyone else doing how are you doing foon hi yo i am here good how are you doing uh william william’s on mute he’s

muted he can um and then brett has joined us how you doing brett what’s up fellows and ladies the king of idaho i don’t know about that you’re not interested in hiring people that are on drugs is that what i’m hearing well yeah you know no fun no fun i thought you i thought you liberals out there in california didn’t discriminate on things like that well it’s interesting because yeah you would think because you get that you get that all the times because in california weed is legal and and they say well potts legal yeah that’s fine it’s legal smoke your brains out go for it you know i’m not one to judge but when our customers demand the employees that go onto their property have been through a screening program that are in a random program uh to be uh drug-free there’s just nothing you can do you know no i’m just making i’m just making a joke well no i i know but it it it’s funny it’s cute but the bottom line is is uh you know this is coming this is being driven by your clientele more so i

mean you have a company culture that you don’t want it but your your clientele is really driving the issue do you see but that’s not necessarily industry driven gone right like that’s that’s every industry in my opinion i don’t think it’s necessarily like the scrap industry as much as it’s that’s very like that’s very broad like everybody’s having a hard time finding workers and everybody’s having a hard time finding workers that can pass even a piss test has like a change to our specific industry on the scrap side you know i i don’t see you hear you hear people say this is what i’ve heard now i was traveling i was in north carolina and georgia and texas a couple weeks ago and uh the big change for instance in the re and the murphs and i’m seeing this also in north carolina and we actually have it in georgia there’s more females entering the labor where we have been a traditionally male dominated labor force and as far as the hand laborers the crane operators the shear operators the metal sorters uh that’s changing to adding that one murph in austin texas the

whole uh front uh it’s a double shift uh facility the first shift is all female 100 yeah that’s amazing we i i’m sorry this is jake speaking over here at maryville metal recycling we actually have a badass female that does everything to have that kid you know operate cranes forklifts a load unload trucks process material i mean just and it’s just incredible to have them and she actually works here with her father and uh we actually had a really nice google review where um we had a customer come in and just was like wow you know like i was i was so i really liked the fact that you’re an equal opportunity employer and that you allow women to do the same work as men so yeah yeah that’s awesome dude i remember when i started here at our place when i started with my dad i don’t know if it was i lost track it was almost 15 years ago but we had a woman here and she was stripping wire on a forklift doing everything and you know it’s great to see women do i’ve seen so many women truck drivers these

days it’s great i love it you know going back to the to the testing you know i mean it’s also the owner’s responsibility of the company to have a safe working environment for all employees and so that you know where you know the machinery that we’re operating even down to the shears i mean if you got some guy that’s you know high on you know smoking pot i mean or it’s residual i mean it’s even even though you know it’s legal you know alcohol is legal too but it still can’t you still can’t you know drive a truck legally so i think that you know there’s probably going to be some type of litigation possibly in the future about operating machinery under the influence of any kind of substance yeah for sure ultimately like where that deal changes when they can test and decide whether you were had smoke weed last night or you were doing it while you just like alcohol right which was a lot of blood alcohol level today but ultimately for me i think that as much as it is a personal choice it still comes back down to your

insurance and your insurance carriers and their ability to um insure you as a company if you allow that to happen regardless you know so and yeah without the insurance you can’t offer you can operate but you you’re just risking everything you built exactly so kind of to shift gears uh william um this change is something that i’m sure everyone’s seeing is electric cars coming into scrap finally and you have you have a tesla william so are you guys seeing that at your yard are you starting to see some of that trickle into your flow you know i think that’s a major change so we’re kind of a strange beast out here in the west that although we’re heavy industrial uh the zoning for us we’re not able to um be deemed as an auto dismantler okay so we only take vehicles from from auto dismantlers and it’s not our primary source of business however which is nice but um we do see some vehicles coming in and we have seen in some local yards here that they brought in a tesla and it caught fire uh because the batteries were not removed and so

that just went back to us you know being we definitely don’t want to you know handle those unless the you know the safety aspect of the is it removed is it are the batteries done and do a full inspection on any vehicle that comes in batteries you know uh you know especially the lithium ion and you know and it made us think that should we get a portable-ish kind of foam uh fire retardant in the event that we do get something that comes in because as you know you can’t you know put those things out with water anyone else been seeing those in their yards has been coming in not us at sierra because down the street just a half a mile sa has their big auto shredder and i think you know this is as israel goes i know the auto shredder committee the shredder committee is discussing this because this is going to be an incredible issue in a few years when you know the traditional diesel or gasoline motor goes by the wayside and you have more of abundance of the these battery-operated vehicles you know we don’t handle

them we don’t we don’t handle automobiles but even though we’re an auto dismantler we have an auto display license we don’t handle them so i have no experience with it whatsoever so it’d be good to get a auto shred uh company gentlemen or female on this call to figure out what they’re doing because i think that’s a great question great point no cars no cars over here i don’t do we’re too little okay so no one’s doing cars and we’re not really seeing it either it’s just something i know is coming you know i know that that day is going to come when those start coming in instead so i’ve done a little bit of research on you know the cost to get dispose of those you know lithium ions you know and it’s not real cheap at some point just like there market is the either rehab or recycling of those where they’re actually going to have value versus right now it’s a disposal fee whoever figures that out is going to be the next skyrocket rich man around here there you go there’s already a company working on that and he used

to be part of tesla um is that the aqua metals company you’re talking about uh no awkward metals went out of business because they had a fire and they burned their but there is a company that used to be the coo of tesla he’s developing some technology to um recycle the rare earth and and all of the lithium-ions so that they can put it back into the ecosystem that’s cool correct i got a question for you with uh you know you have your car flattener and you’re out there and about how many of these cars are you running into and what are you doing differently to handle them not a lot of them yet um but over here you know obviously in idaho we’re like we’re 20 years behind the times in general how many how many you know um and i think that’s probably where the next question comes from is is anybody handling the actual cars because the actual cars realistically from a shredder standpoint should be worth more value should be worse have more value in them just because of the components and the that you know three times the

amount of copper wire supposedly and you know i think more aluminum components so they probably from a crush standpoint or whatever at some point you damn near veil them up as a dirty aluminum package that’s a good point and versus you know right now you know if you’re just flattering with your regular cars you may not be maximizing the value once you don’t have to get that battery out of there that’s interesting good point you’re correct and i do know here um if we do get in any lithium-ion battery cells or anything the best way to deem them dead is to soak them in a bath of water and it completely um kills kills at being alive so anytime you get any lithium-ion batteries of any size as soon as you put them in a barrel of water there it kills them and uh and you don’t have any uh thing about uh they naturally are not naturally but aren’t they like purposefully sealed built like where they i mean because if you look at them like those things are sealed tight like there’s you know like they’re not good i don’t

know how do you get water inside of them get to split them or something no water water uh reacts someone i don’t know the scientific or the method but we did get in some um some battery cells from a tesla and we consulted with tesla and the best practice is to um submerge them in water and it deems that dead yeah i heard that same thing same thing yesterday william um uh one of my contacts that disposes disposes of a lot of different ways that’s what he told me he said you can just put them all under water and then they’re not even dangerous anymore so which was a surprise to me so does that hurt the recyclability of them down the road i think like that i don’t know i did we didn’t go into that it was more on the you know like even getting down to like the drilled ones and stuff like that those seem to not even have a value you know it seems like the only thing that has a true value is maybe the the computer ones and the cell phone ones still you know david who

is below yeah i got him got him going i just invited him david hey david hey can you guys hear me yeah sir hey appreciate it um so i’m kind of into more of the rare exotic uh medals compared to where i think everybody is on this call but you’re the fans i’m the fancy one you’re right so there there’s a company that’s starting up um it’s called lie cycle as an li space cycle so right lithium cycle in canada yeah and they’ve got a couple of different other feeder yards i think they’re setting up a processing yard i think it’s in new york or new jersey and one in the midwest and what they’re trying to do um is basically you know they have a process where they’re going to take the batteries and and do their whole thing to it and extract out you know the nickel and the cobalt and the lithium and some of the other materials and they have it it’s kind of a pre-packaged process to be able to do that and if you think about it they’re going to be making basically a hub and spoke

system all across the country so they’re going to have these like mini feeder yards in various locations that will collect batteries by the type and this that whatever and then send them into regional processing facilities that will do their thing and then those regional processing facilities will take their by products the nickel the cobalt the lithium in different streams and then kind of bring them into a larger uh more you know processing facility for further refinement but they they are capturing they want to capture the country because they see what’s happening in the couple of years and they want to use scrap um processors or dealers like us as their feeder yards so just like we’re just like nickel cadmium or you know nickel batteries now let acid batteries whatever how you know the local junkyard and scrapyard are collecting them and then sending them on that’s their concept they want to use us to feed into their regional yards and then process and go forward that’s awesome that brad brad rudover is the one i talked to him yesterday and he he told me about those guys he said those are the probably

your best option at the moment um for all that scrap because i talked to a different company out of california and they told me like the ones for tesla’s up to 275 per pound to get rid of those lithium ions so you need to get rid of cost yeah though paid cost yeah 275 per pound yeah but so life cycle is looking at a pay program i mean for right now i believe they’re only targeting a truckload type quantities um you know big big quantities or directly from the industrial accounts i mean they’re trying to target like the dealerships and other things like that eventually once they create this larger hub and spoke system around the country is when they’ll be able to start taking you know smaller batches and whatnot but you know right now they’re looking at like the you know again tesla’s a big one but every every car manufacturer in the country is going to be putting out a um you know a battery driven car so it’s i’m telling you that is going to be a massive source of recycling um you know in the next 10 to 15

years it’s going to be cool andy you’re joining us how you doing andy hey sorry man super short-handed so i’m jumping all the way no no worries we understand what’s another what’s another change that you know you guys see coming there yeah what about like innovation john like as an equipment company are you i’m assuming you guys are always trying to innovate make the next new big thing is there anything through the innovation changes we have a new garbage baler it’s a massive machine it’s a 1.3 million dollar piece of equipment but it’s uh it’s taken technology from the rep forward at it that’s going into the waste sector as far as the scrap side right now technology wise it’s not that it’s new technology we’re seeing a large uh interest in side sweet shears for people who are doing a little heavier material from a lot more skeletal plates stuff like that but as far as creating something new right now we don’t have anything new we see we’re seeing battery operated material handlers uh we have a small one but they’re tiny and they’re not going to be able to

load you know shears and and rail cars because the the trick is to get a even on a 38 000 pound material handle which is a very small one with a 33 foot or 30 foot reach if you will is the battery life you can charge in the rechargeable but you’re only going to get five hours so i think eventually one of these days the tesla battery is going to be incorporated into a material handler that’s coming why hasn’t that happened yet it’s you know they haven’t done anything with a semi truck just use too much horsepower got it no it’s because john hasn’t asked elon to well i’m not just invite him over invite him over one of those steak fridays yeah you know like maybe he’ll come maybe i’ll get him bill gates and jeff bezos all over oh there you go don’t speak for the fences yeah i am just just as an example you know i i charge my car at home overnight it’s an amazing car probably one of the best cars that i’ve ever driven to be honest i have the i have a new newer model y

and um but the supercharging network is all tesla and somebody asked them in a tweet how come nobody else is you know other you know ev uh manufacturers uh allowed to join onto your network because nobody’s else yeah that is interesting well now now with that said um you know an interesting thing nobody’s asked but you got to be you got to make yourself available for the ask and you know the big multi-billion dollar corporations they have that ability to ask a lot better than us you know quite frankly as big as all of us think we are for what we do we’re we’re not and if they open i know i get it and if they allow us to make the ask and come visit us then i think there’s there’s a huge game changer is by making it available to people like us in our in our fleet of things so that’s that’s a fascinating point that was that’s that’s great insight right there fantastic how about how many how many facilities how many of you guys have scrap facilities by catalina converters we do we’re what i would i would

consider a very very small player in this market because you know the motor city we have so many cars there’s so many junkyards and then so many tow guys and you know we just buy maybe i would say less than i’d say less than 20 a week i would say we probably averaged maybe 10 to 15 a week maybe you bought um how many people in your yard mike know how to buy them is it just one one who is it brother elliott mr foontastic okay he is i mean so before all the technology where now you just punch a code into you know the browser whatever system you know before that you can tell a lot but now pretty much anybody if they have a link to the page can figure out what a price is worth for the most part so didn’t you buy some cats off of uh like a stealth bomber or something yeah we bought we bought some cats off of uh boeing seven okay seven or something that was pretty cool yeah yeah i remember you posting that i’m pretty sure those ones weren’t listed on the site

no i you posted that i tried to run it my brother’s not in the background saying they were posted on the site no i was trying to find him on there and yeah they weren’t posted on the the platform we use so brett you asked that question on cadillac converters where were you going with it i’m curious on uh you know we don’t really handle them here because bakersfield has a huge auto dismantler uh uh population but you were where are you driving on that question my question is is you know how they have these cast aluminum furnaces right like there was there was a time when um when people everybody and their dog was putting in these cast aluminum furnaces you know and the like back behind their building right lying down all the uh the catalyst nothing melting down all the aluminum i just wonder if at some point there’s going to be because there’s really only a few major players that actually participate in the actual spelting of the catalyst right now is there gonna be a point where that deal changes and you’re gonna see people like getting down to

the catalyst form not all the way and i’m not not staying separate because you know like what your what your main smelters do they do get it down to a ingot that still has the three main metals in it right um will that ever will we will that come to fruition similarly will it be treated like gold and silver good question above my favorite all i can tell you is more furnaces in california is not going to be happening yeah the sandboxing basically thank you well it is in the san joaquin valley where bakersfield you have bakersfield fresno stockton modesto lodi and sacramento okay that’s the san joaquin valley and then the san joaquin valley air pollution control board is brutal okay brutal and uh air particulates uh are a big concern of there so you know brett and maybe in areas that allow industry maybe texas maybe georgia maybe idaho yeah you might be seeing somebody you know stepping up their game but you know william you know what it is you guys run you know you make your ingot maker in northern cali i mean you already know your challenges but be

in the san joaquin valley forget about yeah and to answer brett i mean the key word that you said in your question is you used to see used to see all of these guys have the aluminum smelters in their yard and it’s it’s a dying breed because of regulations especially in california they’re trying to get it down to a nano which is parts per billion and you know i mean even us running a chlorine-free you know no-flux aluminum furnace in california has its major challenges and hurdles on a daily basis i mean we’re very fortunate to have the leadership that we have that has been so active with the air boards with the local um you know governing bodies and again to being a part of misery so that being on the national boards and building the relationships that they have to be ahead of the regulatory agencies which is a challenge every single day i mean as an example you know here you have you know john soccer’s here at recycling not for the equipment company but i mean john i think you guys get maybe seven inches of rain per

year if that 5.8 okay i’m sorry i’m off off by a little bit how much money how much money did you just spend on your stormwater treatment 650 000 and we’re still and the water coming off the crawford because we have the storm water x uh rx pack is fantastic now but they don’t they say we have too high of zinc because of the warehouses that it comes off so it it’s it’s you just can’t win because the goal post keeps moving on you so does that start to finish john on that stormwater extra side of curiosity because i do i’m with you and believing that the regulation is like the next big thing that we’re all gonna have to tackle at some point is that stormwater x system when you say 650 700 000 is that soup to nuts or is that i mean what part of that is yeah that’s that was too big filtration units that they you know they’re the size of roll-off bins plus the plumbing that we had in plus the pumps plus the electrical and the trenching uh you know there was uh the in

the uh clarifiers that had to be put in yeah that was souped in us that was the total package but it’s you know we’re we’re covering an 18-acre piece of property that’s completely paid there’s no dirt okay so that water’s got to go somewhere you know if you have a paved yard that water can and if you don’t have a it depends on your water table but you know the ground will act as its own filtration but in our case we’re completely paved that water’s got to go somewhere yeah and they want it to test it when it comes off when you’re talking about when you’re talking about zinc you just said it’s from your buildings is that from like galvanized metal yeah would it be better to just paint it with you know or or put something over it like like i don’t know like how they spray the bed of a truck yeah you know what my that your you’re you’re we’re working on that right now because that is issue right now um and that’s just expensive like to spray that roof like because you got a lot of you

know i got a that’s not that’s almost cheaper to fix the water um maybe that i don’t know you would know you know i just i just was asking i don’t know which way is better cheaper and i’ll just just ask i would say i would submit to you for us and sierra to to truly move get it to where zinc is no longer thing is we’re going to have to re-roof all the warehouse and we have a lot of warehousing that’s made of metal not cheap yeah well i figured we got another 300 000 spent to retrofit all the rooftops and then i believe at that point we’re going to be and and you know and again you know you spin this funny as everybody else you say what’s changing regulation it isn’t getting anything easier and whether you’re a democrat or republican that’s not the issue the new administration is driving hard more regulation and environmental justice is coming and i think you know you think what’s the challenges you talk about what’s changing which what’s it it’s called environmental justice that’s coming guys and that is going to be one

of the ugliest things we’ve ever seen because scrap facilities recycling facilities throughout america are not the best neighborhoods right so they’re gonna they’re basically saying well it’s your business that keeps the neighborhood poor and i told i told some of you i don’t know of all you know about how michigan has that rule that got passed without talking to israel or anybody even in this crap industry of their we’re not allowed to torch cut here unless it’s the the emissions are being filtrated so you know the things that they’re doing to us which is similar to your water are are putting some of us into a situation where we can’t even recycle some of the things anymore yeah that’s crazy that that’s just wild and those are the changes you know i i don’t want it to be a negative comment you know you know we can we can go down that rabbit hole and it doesn’t do us any good i think the changes is being aware and getting prepared to to to be on the right side you know all of the look tickle you know brad and you guys are united

and then william you guys up there in cass and others you’re reinvesting in your operation new new new new material handlers new trucks less submissions you’re getting onto these programs where you’re investing back into the operation that gives a better carbon footprint if you will and that’s what you’re going to have to do and then get on board with what what does social justice or environmental justice mean well getting on board and getting ahead of it and i think that’s the positive spin we have to take from all this is we’ve got to be out ahead of it we can’t let them get out ahead of us and that’s the change that is definitely coming environmental justice that’s come that’s going to come screaming and thank god you know we’re part of israel because israel’s already working on it they’re already out in front of it and i think we’re going to at least be at the table negotiating what it looks like instead of being on the menu and i think that’s positive but i want to you know i don’t want to be a negative nelly on this stuff because i think

there’s opportunity because that that’s it’ll be a prevention that’ll be a barrier of entry into our competitors if you will by being out in the forefront of all this so i wonder i wonder if i mean hey jake do you guys have a water filtration system there because i know you used a brand new yard yeah i know he has built a brand new yard last year there in indiana so i’m and i haven’t asked him the question the reason i ask is that we we’ve been looking at you know discussing okay is there yards that we have that are capped that we should be considering putting some sort of filtration system in that’s why i was wondering on the cost and then where does your water drain to john when it’s after it comes through the filtration does it go back into the sewer or where does it go yeah yes it does and so we have a very very very low water table so we’re okay with that we’re not dumping it into into any uh river bay or anything like that but but we there’s also the ability people have not

only those filtration systems is having natural filtration systems by putting medium in your yard and have things drain into that too as long as it’s you know it all depends on your water table and we have people out here that they call we deal with your schweppes such as your stormwater uh you know prevention plan and these people help you define it to meet the goals of and the challenges of what you may have so brett it could be filtration uh there could be a lot of things you you know you’re just gonna have to do the deep dive and what is what are your water tables where does water go where can it go what can you do with it like if you’re up in let’s just use up in great falls montana and you got the big missouri river screaming over there you better make sure your water isn’t going into the missouri river wherever what happened and william and not into the bay you know that’s hugely important hey brett i i we have the stormwater um our uh rf system here as well and we’ve had it as long as

i’ve been here which next month would be 14 years and there is an associated you know maintenance that goes along with it but the founder of stormwater rx cal amazing guy i mean that they’ll come out and consult with you i mean they you know they can come out and do it but we’ve we’ve never had any issues and the main reason that we stuck with them and you know i mean same thing with sierra is uh quality of service i mean anytime we have any issues they come right out they you know repair and fix if if it’s needed and they stand behind their product and and that was kind of the major deciding factor that we stayed with a very good system you get a lot of rain you get a lot of snow brett i don’t know how much rain you get but i know you get the snow and all you gotta just see how that affects whatever filtration unit you’re putting in because you have to you’ve got to take that into consideration makes sense was there anything else that uh maybe not a change that you see coming

or but is there any change that any of you want to see out there wait are you asking us to go to fantasyland now um maybe more good than harm when they pick on things like the water run off yeah absolutely or whatever i don’t think that they’re seeing any of the benefit of what we do when i read some of these really old articles that my dad tells me about before auto shredders there was cars on the side of the road and and um you know machinery behind plants and you know my dad tells a story about how there was a field that there was like 80 000 pounds of stainless that he dug up one summer for you know like i just don’t think that i don’t think some of the politicians or government whatever you want to call it really focuses on the good and really only wants to focus on the bad coming from us gotcha yeah no that’d be great just to get recognized i i challenge you mikey i challenge you to reach out to your local politicians so that you can inform them because you are the

voice of our industry just like we are up here uh 100 william you know what look everybody on this call that that’s been talking you all have a social media platform and part of what your platform has to be doing is educating why what you do is essential why our industry is essential i mean the fact of the matter is during this pandemic we all had we all got to stay open even here in lockdown california now mike i know you were different there in michigan but it was because we were essential and we kept banging home that message and our message can’t what we do you know we all do the thing about social platform you can make 10 posts a day but maybe make one of those 10 posts today on your platform something that gets it’s visual about what we’re doing and you know we’re we’re only a handful of people who are really out there and and it’s been i told this at the bir convention uh the last one we were at before the the pandemic and uh budapest was you know they were talking about how a handful

of writers create these negative articles about our industry and they influence the thing i go yeah i go you guys are letting five people dictate and work tens of thousand recyclers worldwide if tens of thousands of recyclers worldwide took to their social media platform with their phone every day talking about the benefit of what we do every day we can change the messaging and i think part of it like you see your local politicians have to know who mikey food is everybody has to know who everybody is you can’t get away with it and but our message has to be out there and that can change you talk about change we can change our perception of what we do by showing it what we do and how we keep it clean and how we how we’re investing millions and employing hundreds and hundreds of people and thousands of whatever that is we have that platform you guys yeah you guys are doing a very good job of job of that at nick and united you guys doing a very good job of it and will and you guys definitely at cass are doing a

fantastic job of showing how good and great and green it is that’s you’re definitely right about that mikey you’re next i just don’t have uh you know the production quality is you guys i’m more uh you know i’m more uh the gutter guy over here i love i love your content mikey we all love your content you’re the kardashian of the uh scratch because of you mikey the crazy damn thing is it was you so your damn little cell phone trust me you turn that thing horizontal and get the hd camera going on your iphone you know half of our stuff that darren doan creates is done on an iphone okay half the stuff you see on sierra social media is done on an iphone if not three quarters yeah that was awesome well that’s the point mike you you you can do it you know the photo editing on uh on an imac has changed it’s dramatically changed how it can be done well anything else anyone want to add any anyone in the audience anyone want to add anything raise your hand i think i’m good i appreciate the conversation i look

forward to next week yeah and we’ll pick a new topic and we will do one and i told uh told you this john we will do a marketing one here in a few weeks and we’ll get done on here okay absolutely i sincerely appreciate your questions brett about the water filtration because that’s something i i like to learn about too and see if uh see if that’s something i can afford one of these days and you know what i’m saying you can’t afford not to have it mike well that’s that’s the other end of the sword right double edge of the sword i think would be good is i everybody gets these clubhouse invites right everybody gets a view i don’t know how many each person gets but the more people we can like find in our industry and get connected through these clubhouses is this is like the beginning stages of something that could be really big and i know this isn’t really on topic but i’m just gonna let it rip anyways um i think that there’s going to be a time where we can all get together and have some sort

of pricing purchasing power if we can connect everybody and get everybody discussing how we’re getting treated as recyclers with even domestic steel mills or look anywhere else there’s going to be a time where we’re going to have our moment in the sun and i’m just putting it out there i think it’s in the beginning of stages but we need to get everybody that’s involved in these scraps these yards whether you’re the owner or you’re the guy selling the material or buying the material or doing both we need to start collaborating more and helping each other out we can all be successful i agree agreed 100 so and i think there’s opportunity there to where we can discuss equipment what equipment we like what water filtration systems we’d like how do you set up your yard how do you recruit employees i really just the more people we can invite in our industry and use this platform i think it’s going to be crazy beneficial for us for everybody sounds wonderful yeah all right guys well let’s do it do it next friday all right guys appreciate everything see you later see ya bye